Atualizações Recentes
  • Examining New World Order Intentions

    SUMMARY: I’m looking at the New World Order (NWO) intentions of Globalist Elitists either not reported by the Mockingbird MSM or labeled as Mis-Mal-Dis-Information when IN FACT it is TRUTH TELLING. … Broze on UN Pact for the Future; Slavo on Bill Gates desire to end Free Speech & Herland on Collapse of Spiritual Christianity blamed on Evangelical failures. …TAKE A LOOK!
    #NWOIntentions #ElitistsFreeSpeech #SpiritualChristianCollapse
    Examining New World Order Intentions SUMMARY: I’m looking at the New World Order (NWO) intentions of Globalist Elitists either not reported by the Mockingbird MSM or labeled as Mis-Mal-Dis-Information when IN FACT it is TRUTH TELLING. … Broze on UN Pact for the Future; Slavo on Bill Gates desire to end Free Speech & Herland on Collapse of Spiritual Christianity blamed on Evangelical failures. …TAKE A LOOK! #NWOIntentions #ElitistsFreeSpeech #SpiritualChristianCollapse
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 28 Visualizações
  • Christians – PAY ATTENTION!
    Your Biblical Values Might Get YOU Censored or Worse – JAILED

    SUMMARY: I came across a CBN News post on Global Censorship that was posted on 9/4/24. CBN News typically only enters controversial (as in labeled Conspiracy Theory by the Left) when the news affects their Christian readers. EVIDENTLY, Censorship has become so prevalent world-wide that CBN News entered into that realm of controversy. TAKE A LOOK!
    #GlobalistCensorship #MinistryOfTruth
    Christians – PAY ATTENTION! Your Biblical Values Might Get YOU Censored or Worse – JAILED SUMMARY: I came across a CBN News post on Global Censorship that was posted on 9/4/24. CBN News typically only enters controversial (as in labeled Conspiracy Theory by the Left) when the news affects their Christian readers. EVIDENTLY, Censorship has become so prevalent world-wide that CBN News entered into that realm of controversy. TAKE A LOOK! #GlobalistCensorship #MinistryOfTruth
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 487 Visualizações
  • 0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 346 Visualizações
    Christian perspective: Dem-Marxist LIES told about Trump from American Liars in the Dem Party. Hmm...Who is the author of Lies: John 8:44 Christian perspective: Dem-Marxist LIES told about Trump from American Liars in the Dem Party. Hmm...Who is the author of Lies: John 8:44
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 234 Visualizações
  • Catching Up on ‘Remember the TYRANNY’ Videos

    SUMMARY: I pray you live in a U.S. region in which the Dem-Marxist/Globalist Agenda to control the lives of Individuals on a mass-scale has not affected YOU… I discovered most of these videos in August 2024… Tyranny is a creeping political demon that no matter how much its screws are tightened on Individuals, UNITY of purpose will always defeat a tyrannical agenda…TAKE A LOOK!
    #ResistTyranny #PatriotsRemainAlert
    Catching Up on ‘Remember the TYRANNY’ Videos SUMMARY: I pray you live in a U.S. region in which the Dem-Marxist/Globalist Agenda to control the lives of Individuals on a mass-scale has not affected YOU… I discovered most of these videos in August 2024… Tyranny is a creeping political demon that no matter how much its screws are tightened on Individuals, UNITY of purpose will always defeat a tyrannical agenda…TAKE A LOOK! #ResistTyranny #PatriotsRemainAlert
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 575 Visualizações
  • Resist the Dem Transformation – VOTE Trump!

    SUMMARY: Today I’m sharing from a couple emails I received from Conservative sources. The first is amusing (well … at least to fellow Patriots) and the second I find disturbing. … AMUSING: Campaign video showing the cure for TDS is INDEPENDENCE. DISTURBING: Drag Queen Summer Camp for kids in Washington State. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #CureTDS #INDEPENDENCE #DragQueenIndoctrination
    Resist the Dem Transformation – VOTE Trump! SUMMARY: Today I’m sharing from a couple emails I received from Conservative sources. The first is amusing (well … at least to fellow Patriots) and the second I find disturbing. … AMUSING: Campaign video showing the cure for TDS is INDEPENDENCE. DISTURBING: Drag Queen Summer Camp for kids in Washington State. –TAKE A LOOK! #CureTDS #INDEPENDENCE #DragQueenIndoctrination
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 911 Visualizações
  • Some Palestine/Philistine Truth NOT Reported by Propagandists

    SUMMARY: I have friended El Gato Weebee (pseudonym) on numerous Social Media and Video Platforms. … El Gato provides a marvelous TRUTH TELLING yet a succinctly short rundown on the group of Arabs who have adopted the name Palestinian (NO SUCH HISTORICAL PEOPLE EXISTED!). Followed by a rather graphic video on what these Jew-Hating people actually did to Jews in Israel on October 7, 2023. …READ & WATCH if You Dare!
    #HamasAtrocities #IslamicTerrorism #Antisemitism
    Some Palestine/Philistine Truth NOT Reported by Propagandists SUMMARY: I have friended El Gato Weebee (pseudonym) on numerous Social Media and Video Platforms. … El Gato provides a marvelous TRUTH TELLING yet a succinctly short rundown on the group of Arabs who have adopted the name Palestinian (NO SUCH HISTORICAL PEOPLE EXISTED!). Followed by a rather graphic video on what these Jew-Hating people actually did to Jews in Israel on October 7, 2023. …READ & WATCH if You Dare! #HamasAtrocities #IslamicTerrorism #Antisemitism
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1100 Visualizações
  • The Shadow & Slumber of Tyranny – AWAKEN!

    SUMMARY: There is a tyranny in the lives of Americans (and the once-upon-a-time Free West) that has enveloped our lives like a slow moving dark shadow. So slow, many have slept through the erasure of Liberty nearly unnoticed. AND SOME of us have awakened. Once again I have acquired or visited a slew amount of videos that I am sharing to remind or awaken to that shadow of tyranny squeezing out Liberty. The subjects vary from Medical, Globalist and Criminal tyranny… TAKE A LOOK!
    #MedicalTyranny #GlobalistTyranny #CriminalTyranny
    The Shadow & Slumber of Tyranny – AWAKEN! SUMMARY: There is a tyranny in the lives of Americans (and the once-upon-a-time Free West) that has enveloped our lives like a slow moving dark shadow. So slow, many have slept through the erasure of Liberty nearly unnoticed. AND SOME of us have awakened. Once again I have acquired or visited a slew amount of videos that I am sharing to remind or awaken to that shadow of tyranny squeezing out Liberty. The subjects vary from Medical, Globalist and Criminal tyranny… TAKE A LOOK! #MedicalTyranny #GlobalistTyranny #CriminalTyranny
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 800 Visualizações
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I'm a Christian, Conservative-Patriot & sometime Counterjihad Blogger. I grew up in Eastern Washington State (Ellensburg). Graduated from CWU 1981. Graduated from RHEMA (then Bible Training Center, now Bible College) 1984-Broken Arrow, OK. I have resided in OK roughly 25 years.