  • The Real Christmas vs Santa Claus Myths and Legends

    SUMMARY: What do you think about when you read “Santa Claus”? … I suspect these memory suggestions are perhaps the mere tip of the iceberg… The traditional view of the jolly fat man with a white beard has evolved from legends, myths, European pagan cultural traditions and only a smattering of history… Christmas is about God Almighty being born in human form to accomplish the Redemption of humanity cursed by the bad choice of Adam and Eve… The Birth of Jesus from Father God and from Mary became the first step of Redeeming the descendants of Adam and Eve from the bequeathed Fallen Nature…READ IT ALL!
    #Christmas #Redemption #StNicholas
    The Real Christmas vs Santa Claus Myths and Legends https://oneway2day.com/2024/12/22/the-real-christmas-vs-santa-claus-myths-and-legends/ SUMMARY: What do you think about when you read “Santa Claus”? … I suspect these memory suggestions are perhaps the mere tip of the iceberg… The traditional view of the jolly fat man with a white beard has evolved from legends, myths, European pagan cultural traditions and only a smattering of history… Christmas is about God Almighty being born in human form to accomplish the Redemption of humanity cursed by the bad choice of Adam and Eve… The Birth of Jesus from Father God and from Mary became the first step of Redeeming the descendants of Adam and Eve from the bequeathed Fallen Nature…READ IT ALL! #Christmas #Redemption #StNicholas
    The Real Christmas vs Santa Claus Myths and Legends
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor © December 22, 2024 What do you think about when you read “Santa Claus”? Christmas? Gifts? Children’s story? Naughty and Nice list? Reindeer? Rudolph? Toy-making Elves? No…
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  • Moving from RAGE over Pseudo-Palestinians to WWJD

    SUMMARY: When I began to read and see the video feed of Hamas atrocities against Jews and Westerners caught in the indiscriminate terrorist attacks in Israel… Same rage felt on 9/11… this Antisemitism – this Anti-Westernism – this Anti-Christianity… ALL KNOW Jesus would not choose to eradicate a wicked population without at least a last-breath opportunity to offer repentance and Redemption… MORE TO READ THAT MIGHT SURPRISE YOU: https://bit.ly/3Qg8kvO
    #HamasTerrorism #LeftistJews #OnlyJesusSaves
    Moving from RAGE over Pseudo-Palestinians to WWJD SUMMARY: When I began to read and see the video feed of Hamas atrocities against Jews and Westerners caught in the indiscriminate terrorist attacks in Israel… Same rage felt on 9/11… this Antisemitism – this Anti-Westernism – this Anti-Christianity… ALL KNOW Jesus would not choose to eradicate a wicked population without at least a last-breath opportunity to offer repentance and Redemption… MORE TO READ THAT MIGHT SURPRISE YOU: https://bit.ly/3Qg8kvO #HamasTerrorism #LeftistJews #OnlyJesusSaves
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