  • An US vs THEM Intro
    American Patriots vs Fundamental Transformation Dem-Marxists

    SUMMARY: I just read an article that looks at two sides: an US (as in American Patriots) vs THEM (as in the Dem-Marxist, ONE-Worlders, Climate-Hysterical-Globalists). IF WE-THE-PEOPLE (the Patriots) acquiesce to another installed Coup regime after November 5, the THEM will eradicate what once MADE AMERICA GREAT. …YOU SHOULD READ IT!
    #AmericanPatriots #GlobalistDems #PreserveRepublic
    An US vs THEM Intro American Patriots vs Fundamental Transformation Dem-Marxists https://tinyurl.com/9cbfhna8 SUMMARY: I just read an article that looks at two sides: an US (as in American Patriots) vs THEM (as in the Dem-Marxist, ONE-Worlders, Climate-Hysterical-Globalists). IF WE-THE-PEOPLE (the Patriots) acquiesce to another installed Coup regime after November 5, the THEM will eradicate what once MADE AMERICA GREAT. …YOU SHOULD READ IT! #AmericanPatriots #GlobalistDems #PreserveRepublic
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