Looking at Pope Francis Islam is Peace IDIOCY
SUMMARY: I subscribe to Jihad Watch, which shares the politically incorrect truth of the nefarious nature of Islam. Robert Spencer has noticed the Globalist heretic Pope Francis is now promoting that Islam apparently a peaceful religion…. READ Robert Spencer’s exposé of Pope Francis saying Islam is peace IDIOCY: https://bit.ly/3tUJFUN
#HereticPope #IslamIsViolent
SUMMARY: I subscribe to Jihad Watch, which shares the politically incorrect truth of the nefarious nature of Islam. Robert Spencer has noticed the Globalist heretic Pope Francis is now promoting that Islam apparently a peaceful religion…. READ Robert Spencer’s exposé of Pope Francis saying Islam is peace IDIOCY: https://bit.ly/3tUJFUN
#HereticPope #IslamIsViolent
Looking at Pope Francis Islam is Peace IDIOCY
SUMMARY: I subscribe to Jihad Watch, which shares the politically incorrect truth of the nefarious nature of Islam. Robert Spencer has noticed the Globalist heretic Pope Francis is now promoting that Islam apparently a peaceful religion…. READ Robert Spencer’s exposé of Pope Francis saying Islam is peace IDIOCY: https://bit.ly/3tUJFUN
#HereticPope #IslamIsViolent