  • When Govt & Science LIES to YOU!
    You’ve Heard “Trust but Verify” – WAKE-UP and Verify BEFORE YOU Trust!

    SUMMARY: J6 Lies exposed by the release of most the J6 video feeds which destroys the Dem-Marxist/RINO narrative of an insurrection. The proof shows an incited Fedsurrection. ALSO the Documentary “Kill Shot” reveals Govt-Science lies about mRNA “Safe & Effective” narrative. LESSON: Verify BEFORE Trust: https://bit.ly/3STREvO
    #VerifyBeforeTrust #GovtLies #ResistTyranny
    When Govt & Science LIES to YOU! You’ve Heard “Trust but Verify” – WAKE-UP and Verify BEFORE YOU Trust! SUMMARY: J6 Lies exposed by the release of most the J6 video feeds which destroys the Dem-Marxist/RINO narrative of an insurrection. The proof shows an incited Fedsurrection. ALSO the Documentary “Kill Shot” reveals Govt-Science lies about mRNA “Safe & Effective” narrative. LESSON: Verify BEFORE Trust: https://bit.ly/3STREvO #VerifyBeforeTrust #GovtLies #ResistTyranny
    When Govt & Science LIES to YOU!
    You’ve Heard “Trust but Verify” – WAKE-UP and Verify BEFORE YOU Trust! John R. Houk, Blog Editor © November 22, 2023 Bitchute VIDE...
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  • Maui-Lahaina Fires: The Appearance of Well-Practiced Leftist Lies

    SUMMARY: I can’t seem to get away from the sense the govt-MSM-Globalist-Climate-Hoaxer lies about fires on the island of Maui and the city of Lahaina in particular…Even after doctored DEW videos/photos after-fire evidence is pointing to DEW suspicions. INCLUDE MASSIVE govt coverup restraining citizen inspection & thousands on an island still listed as MISSING rather than dead. –READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/45CQFUs
    #GovtCoverUp #GovtLies #LahainaFires
    Maui-Lahaina Fires: The Appearance of Well-Practiced Leftist Lies SUMMARY: I can’t seem to get away from the sense the govt-MSM-Globalist-Climate-Hoaxer lies about fires on the island of Maui and the city of Lahaina in particular…Even after doctored DEW videos/photos after-fire evidence is pointing to DEW suspicions. INCLUDE MASSIVE govt coverup restraining citizen inspection & thousands on an island still listed as MISSING rather than dead. –READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/45CQFUs #GovtCoverUp #GovtLies #LahainaFires
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  • Meanwhile Back in Oz - UFOs & UAPs Oh My
    If the Government Says It, There’s a Nefarious Purpose Behind It!

    Okay…Hmm… Before I share a Glenn Beck exploration (posted 8/9/23) of the validity or invalidity of Whistleblowers crying the U.S. Government has covering up the existence of Extraterrestrials… A Govt LIE is afoot meaning a nefarious purpose – PROBABLY TYRANNY. –READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3DRBQkx
    #TheGovtLIES #UFOtoUAP #TyrannyAfoot
    Meanwhile Back in Oz - UFOs & UAPs Oh My If the Government Says It, There’s a Nefarious Purpose Behind It! Okay…Hmm… Before I share a Glenn Beck exploration (posted 8/9/23) of the validity or invalidity of Whistleblowers crying the U.S. Government has covering up the existence of Extraterrestrials… A Govt LIE is afoot meaning a nefarious purpose – PROBABLY TYRANNY. –READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3DRBQkx #TheGovtLIES #UFOtoUAP #TyrannyAfoot
    0 Comments 0 Shares 9704 Views