  • VIDEOS to Remind Liberty Theft is the NWO Goal

    SUMMARY: The new Communism and the new Fascism is the combination of both in which governments and Leftist Corporations work together to instill Marxist principles and Climate Lies to control the masses for the benefit of the Elitist few. It’s like an old Star Wars movie where the dark-side of the force tells the gullible that Liberty has no value and you will be happy to be controlled. –TAKE A LOOK AT THE VIDEOS!
    #RememberLiberty #ResistTyranny
    VIDEOS to Remind Liberty Theft is the NWO Goal https://tinyurl.com/2zzpdvz9 SUMMARY: The new Communism and the new Fascism is the combination of both in which governments and Leftist Corporations work together to instill Marxist principles and Climate Lies to control the masses for the benefit of the Elitist few. It’s like an old Star Wars movie where the dark-side of the force tells the gullible that Liberty has no value and you will be happy to be controlled. –TAKE A LOOK AT THE VIDEOS! #RememberLiberty #ResistTyranny
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  • Looking at Donald Trump Political Persecution & Understanding Fascism

    SUMMARY: A John Eastman post examines the ludicrous political persecution of Donald Trump’s recent Kangaroo stacked Court conviction which is some information Voters should become aware. AND Dinesh D’Souza explains that Fascism (which also means Nazism) is as much a radical Leftist Socialist construct as the variations of Marxism is. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #TrumpPoliticalPersecution #FascismExplained
    Looking at Donald Trump Political Persecution & Understanding Fascism https://bit.ly/4c7iqHF SUMMARY: A John Eastman post examines the ludicrous political persecution of Donald Trump’s recent Kangaroo stacked Court conviction which is some information Voters should become aware. AND Dinesh D’Souza explains that Fascism (which also means Nazism) is as much a radical Leftist Socialist construct as the variations of Marxism is. –TAKE A LOOK! #TrumpPoliticalPersecution #FascismExplained
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  • An Intro to Dr. Malone’s – ‘Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”’

    SUMMARY: Dr. Robert Malone is a person that evokes love, hate and a little of in between the love-hate emotion stretching across both sides of the political spectrum… On a personal level, as far the Anti-Medical Tyranny advocates go. Rather than focus on their disagreements, I focus on their agreements… I’m going to share a Dr. Robert Malone Substack post which I encourage to read with some critical thinking discernment.

    3 assessments addressed:

    1. The Medical Industrial Complex
    2. Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology
    3. Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting

    --TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3Uwx97D
    #Fascism #Globalism #MedicalIndustrialComplex
    An Intro to Dr. Malone’s – ‘Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”’ SUMMARY: Dr. Robert Malone is a person that evokes love, hate and a little of in between the love-hate emotion stretching across both sides of the political spectrum… On a personal level, as far the Anti-Medical Tyranny advocates go. Rather than focus on their disagreements, I focus on their agreements… I’m going to share a Dr. Robert Malone Substack post which I encourage to read with some critical thinking discernment. 3 assessments addressed: 1. The Medical Industrial Complex 2. Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology 3. Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting --TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3Uwx97D #Fascism #Globalism #MedicalIndustrialComplex
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6744 Views
  • Reprising ShadowGate Documentaries:
    With Dr. Mercola 3/23/24 Analysis to 2020 Documentary

    SUMMARY: On 3/23/24 Dr. Joseph Mercola decided to do some commentary on the Millie Weaver Documentary ShadowGate posted in 2020… THEN I’m cross posting ShadowGate 2.0 from the post on MillennialMillie which has the date 10/14/20. I have no doubts the Dems will attempt an Election 2024 Steal. That makes Dr. Mercola’s analysis worth reading. AND 2 Documentary-length videos from Millie Weaver are worth watching. READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3xeggqE
    #ShadowGate #BigTechFascism #SpyingOnAmericans
    Reprising ShadowGate Documentaries: With Dr. Mercola 3/23/24 Analysis to 2020 Documentary SUMMARY: On 3/23/24 Dr. Joseph Mercola decided to do some commentary on the Millie Weaver Documentary ShadowGate posted in 2020… THEN I’m cross posting ShadowGate 2.0 from the post on MillennialMillie which has the date 10/14/20. I have no doubts the Dems will attempt an Election 2024 Steal. That makes Dr. Mercola’s analysis worth reading. AND 2 Documentary-length videos from Millie Weaver are worth watching. READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3xeggqE #ShadowGate #BigTechFascism #SpyingOnAmericans
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7547 Views
  • What Happens After Submitting Election Fraud Evidence? YOU GET ARRESTED!

    SUMMARY: Do you think Dem-Marxists & Coup-Installed Dementia Joe Administration are not politically persecuting their opposition? Perhaps say it slow to let America’s governing status sink in: “Dem-Marxist Tyranny with a splash of Corporatist-Fascism”…. TGP has one story…: https://bit.ly/3TJyWY6
    #BidenPoliticalPersecution #DemMarxistTyranny
    What Happens After Submitting Election Fraud Evidence? YOU GET ARRESTED! SUMMARY: Do you think Dem-Marxists & Coup-Installed Dementia Joe Administration are not politically persecuting their opposition? Perhaps say it slow to let America’s governing status sink in: “Dem-Marxist Tyranny with a splash of Corporatist-Fascism”…. TGP has one story…: https://bit.ly/3TJyWY6 #BidenPoliticalPersecution #DemMarxistTyranny
    What Happens After Submitting Election Fraud Evidence? YOU GET ARRESTED!
    Posted by John R. Houk, Blog Editor March 19, 2024 Do you think Dem-Marxists & Coup-Installed Dementia Joe Administration are not po...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 9615 Views
  • Connecting the Dots!
    Some AI Truth – What Used to be “Playing God” is Really “Playing Devil”

    SUMMARY: … Satan – the foe – has only one delusional recourse: Brainwash human souls the ADVERSARY can still win against the ALMIGHTY but really only succeed in bringing a host of fallen human souls with him to the Lake of Fire. … AND NOW I come to the post that awakened my thoughts of the Satanic influence behind those pushing a Transhumanist Artificial Intelligence (AI) agenda…A Julian Rose post on AI & Globalist Fearmongering Compulsion: https://bit.ly/43k2Sgi
    #LuciferianNWO #TranshumanistAgenda #TechnoFascism
    Connecting the Dots! Some AI Truth – What Used to be “Playing God” is Really “Playing Devil” SUMMARY: … Satan – the foe – has only one delusional recourse: Brainwash human souls the ADVERSARY can still win against the ALMIGHTY but really only succeed in bringing a host of fallen human souls with him to the Lake of Fire. … AND NOW I come to the post that awakened my thoughts of the Satanic influence behind those pushing a Transhumanist Artificial Intelligence (AI) agenda…A Julian Rose post on AI & Globalist Fearmongering Compulsion: https://bit.ly/43k2Sgi #LuciferianNWO #TranshumanistAgenda #TechnoFascism
    Connecting the Dots!
    Some AI Truth – What Used to be “Playing God” is Really “Playing Devil” John R/ Houk, Blog Editor © March 17, 2024 Apparently the ...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 12363 Views
  • https://attorneycox.substack.com/p/this-is-fascism?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1005725&post_id=142499821&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1p53nh&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
    Our country was never a fascist country, so the concept is foreign to most of us. However, that is changing. Fascist regimes aggressively abuse their citizens, strip them of everything that makes them them, including their right to free thought and expression, and then rule over them with an iron fist. Fascism is a filthy word, because it means the demoralization and totalitarian control of human beings by other human beings who think they are better than everyone else, and therefore have the right to control everyone else. If you think fascism is not taking hold in our country, think again! It’s not only taking hold, it’s gaining momentum. Why? Because not enough people are taking the time out of their busy schedules to push back against it. An extremely perilous proposition.
    I will now give you a perfect example of fascism happening right here in New York. What happened? There was a NYC Fire Department (FDNY) event last week where NYS Attorney General Letitia James came to speak, but when she came to the mic, the crowd burst out in boos and then started chanting “Trump, Trump, Trump…” Everyone is likely well aware of the witch hunt James has been pursuing against President Trump in her attempt to not only bankrupt the man, but to try to keep him from being able to run this year for President. I won’t get into the details of that saga, but I will say this: love or hate Trump, doesn’t matter - what James is doing to him should deeply disturb all Americans. Relentless persecution fueled by political agendas. If they can do it to a former President of the United States, you should shudder to imagine what they can do to you or one of your loved ones.
    So, here comes the fascism… In response to the event, the FDNY is now literally hunting down the members who were booing James and chanting “Trump.” What will they do with those FDNY members who exercised their First Amendment right to free speech? I don’t know all that they plan to do, but for certain they said they want to “educate” them on how to think, how to not voice their opinions or speak freely.
    The FDNY is admitting in black and white that they want to control the members’ thoughts and resulting speech! Gets worse… the department’s written correspondence says members who witness their colleagues behaving in a manner the FDNY doesn’t approve of should “STOP IT” (meaning help the FDNY silence members from their right to free speech)!
    https://attorneycox.substack.com/p/this-is-fascism?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1005725&post_id=142499821&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1p53nh&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email Our country was never a fascist country, so the concept is foreign to most of us. However, that is changing. Fascist regimes aggressively abuse their citizens, strip them of everything that makes them them, including their right to free thought and expression, and then rule over them with an iron fist. Fascism is a filthy word, because it means the demoralization and totalitarian control of human beings by other human beings who think they are better than everyone else, and therefore have the right to control everyone else. If you think fascism is not taking hold in our country, think again! It’s not only taking hold, it’s gaining momentum. Why? Because not enough people are taking the time out of their busy schedules to push back against it. An extremely perilous proposition. I will now give you a perfect example of fascism happening right here in New York. What happened? There was a NYC Fire Department (FDNY) event last week where NYS Attorney General Letitia James came to speak, but when she came to the mic, the crowd burst out in boos and then started chanting “Trump, Trump, Trump…” Everyone is likely well aware of the witch hunt James has been pursuing against President Trump in her attempt to not only bankrupt the man, but to try to keep him from being able to run this year for President. I won’t get into the details of that saga, but I will say this: love or hate Trump, doesn’t matter - what James is doing to him should deeply disturb all Americans. Relentless persecution fueled by political agendas. If they can do it to a former President of the United States, you should shudder to imagine what they can do to you or one of your loved ones. So, here comes the fascism… In response to the event, the FDNY is now literally hunting down the members who were booing James and chanting “Trump.” What will they do with those FDNY members who exercised their First Amendment right to free speech? I don’t know all that they plan to do, but for certain they said they want to “educate” them on how to think, how to not voice their opinions or speak freely. The FDNY is admitting in black and white that they want to control the members’ thoughts and resulting speech! Gets worse… the department’s written correspondence says members who witness their colleagues behaving in a manner the FDNY doesn’t approve of should “STOP IT” (meaning help the FDNY silence members from their right to free speech)!
    This Is Fascism
    I am going to begin by first defining the word “fascism” since it’s not a word that most Americans would typically use very often. If you think about it, Americans are only really familiar with that word in the context of studying (or discussing) World History. Our country was never a fascist country, so the concept is foreign to most of us. However, that is changing. I write this article to expose to you the fascism that is taking hold in this country. I do so not to frighten you, but to empower you to do something to stop it.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2587 Views
  • Educate Yourself on Globalist/Medical Tyranny

    SUMMARY: I’m embarking on posting some videos I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel and an All News Pipeline post, a Greg Reese video on Kill Shot Nobel Prize winners, A Vigilant News post on Pfizer’s ‘Bait and Switch’, A People’s Voice video on John Kerry’s daughter advocating the depopulation of billions and ending with an Activist Post primer on Fascism. –WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/45f9fkp
    #GlobalistTyranny #MedicalTyranny
    Educate Yourself on Globalist/Medical Tyranny SUMMARY: I’m embarking on posting some videos I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel and an All News Pipeline post, a Greg Reese video on Kill Shot Nobel Prize winners, A Vigilant News post on Pfizer’s ‘Bait and Switch’, A People’s Voice video on John Kerry’s daughter advocating the depopulation of billions and ending with an Activist Post primer on Fascism. –WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/45f9fkp #GlobalistTyranny #MedicalTyranny
    0 Comments 0 Shares 15409 Views
  • SO, You Think Climate Change is About Saving the Planet?
    NOPE, Climate Change is Merely the Depopulation Tool for Easier Elitist Control!

    SUMMARY: … Western governments including the USA where I am a citizen are crooked and corrupt and in my opinion are pulled around by the puppet strings of Elitists who are very wealthy and have an odd political combination that would have been unthinkable even a decade ago yet certainly existed in the background even then.

    That odd political-combo is Globalism-Marxism-Fascism-Corporatism all wrapped in the bouquet of Climate Change. AND Climate Change is the lie the Elitist actually care about the planet when they actually only care about controlling the masses who far outnumber the Elitist minority. …MORE TO READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3qCYyde
    #DoNotBeElitistTool #DepopulationAgenda
    SO, You Think Climate Change is About Saving the Planet? NOPE, Climate Change is Merely the Depopulation Tool for Easier Elitist Control! SUMMARY: … Western governments including the USA where I am a citizen are crooked and corrupt and in my opinion are pulled around by the puppet strings of Elitists who are very wealthy and have an odd political combination that would have been unthinkable even a decade ago yet certainly existed in the background even then. That odd political-combo is Globalism-Marxism-Fascism-Corporatism all wrapped in the bouquet of Climate Change. AND Climate Change is the lie the Elitist actually care about the planet when they actually only care about controlling the masses who far outnumber the Elitist minority. …MORE TO READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3qCYyde #DoNotBeElitistTool #DepopulationAgenda
    0 Comments 0 Shares 13577 Views
  • Logical Education Moment with Hitler as Launching Pad:
    Some TIKhistory Critical Thinking That Will Annoy Some & Hopefully Bring Comprehension to Many

    SUMMARY: Vlad Tepes promotes TIKhistory video lecture with impeccable logic that all should listen. TOPICS: Hitler, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism and the idiocy of Jew-Hatred. …A MUST WATCH: https://bit.ly/3pEU0T7
    #HitlerExplained #TIKhistory
    Logical Education Moment with Hitler as Launching Pad: Some TIKhistory Critical Thinking That Will Annoy Some & Hopefully Bring Comprehension to Many SUMMARY: Vlad Tepes promotes TIKhistory video lecture with impeccable logic that all should listen. TOPICS: Hitler, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism and the idiocy of Jew-Hatred. …A MUST WATCH: https://bit.ly/3pEU0T7 #HitlerExplained #TIKhistory
    Logical Education Moment with Hitler as Launching Pad:
    Some TIKhistory Critical Thinking That Will Annoy Some & Hopefully Bring Comprehension to Many TIKhistory ScreenGrab on Hitler Sociali...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10820 Views
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