  • One Way or Another – The Foxes Need Removed From The Henhouse

    SUMMARY: The Telegram Reiner Fuellmich Channel shared a link from the Strategic Culture Foundation with a post using Fuellmich’s incarceration and political persecution on how the once-upon-a-time Free Europe has devolved into despotic tyranny aiming to punish dissenters of the State Narrative. Why it matters? A Dem-Marxist 2024 Election victory OR another Election-Coup will bring European despotism to America in full measure…REMEMBER YOUR LIBERTY AND READ!
    #DefendLiberty #StopTyranny #VOTETrump
    One Way or Another – The Foxes Need Removed From The Henhouse https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/one-way-or-another-the-foxes-need SUMMARY: The Telegram Reiner Fuellmich Channel shared a link from the Strategic Culture Foundation with a post using Fuellmich’s incarceration and political persecution on how the once-upon-a-time Free Europe has devolved into despotic tyranny aiming to punish dissenters of the State Narrative. Why it matters? A Dem-Marxist 2024 Election victory OR another Election-Coup will bring European despotism to America in full measure…REMEMBER YOUR LIBERTY AND READ! #DefendLiberty #StopTyranny #VOTETrump
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  • Under Stakeholder Rulership
    The MANY will Serve the Interests of The FEW

    SUMMARY: I pray Americans that care about their Liberty and the Republic our Founding Fathers (and trust me, our Founders had vast ideological differences yet managed a consensus resulting in the U.S. Constitution) comprehend the vast corruption existing in the U.S. government largely under the current power structure of Democratic Party dominated by Globalist-Fascist-Marxism (hence Dem-Marxist Party), is CRIMINAL. In America the Dem-Marxist power structure exists to fuse the USA into a Globalist Collective. HENCE a transformation toward a One-World Government (OWG).

    My fellow Americans, we have enemies within and without to contend with for our sovereign survival. Just as our Founders – who did not see things eye to eye – realized the only solution to foreign domination was a united resistance. …DEFEND LIBERTY – READ ALL: https://bit.ly/3WoH2oA
    #DefendLiberty #ResistStakeholders
    Under Stakeholder Rulership The MANY will Serve the Interests of The FEW SUMMARY: I pray Americans that care about their Liberty and the Republic our Founding Fathers (and trust me, our Founders had vast ideological differences yet managed a consensus resulting in the U.S. Constitution) comprehend the vast corruption existing in the U.S. government largely under the current power structure of Democratic Party dominated by Globalist-Fascist-Marxism (hence Dem-Marxist Party), is CRIMINAL. In America the Dem-Marxist power structure exists to fuse the USA into a Globalist Collective. HENCE a transformation toward a One-World Government (OWG). … My fellow Americans, we have enemies within and without to contend with for our sovereign survival. Just as our Founders – who did not see things eye to eye – realized the only solution to foreign domination was a united resistance. …DEFEND LIBERTY – READ ALL: https://bit.ly/3WoH2oA #DefendLiberty #ResistStakeholders
    Under Stakeholder Rulership
    The MANY will Serve the Interests of The FEW By John R. Houk, Blog Editor © May 21, 2023   I pray Americans that care about their Li...
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