  • Introducing – ‘A Matter of Life and Death’

    SUMMARY: Rybczynski shares how a Globalist mindset has transformed Western Culture from a life-preserving philosophy into a DEPOPULATION philosophy. Rybczynski targets Transhumanist thinking as the prime example. Awaken your thinking to overcome official narratives to see what Elitists have instore for you. –NARRATIVES MANAGE THINKING – WAKE UP!
    Introducing – ‘A Matter of Life and Death’ https://oneway2day.com/2025/01/07/introducing-a-matter-of-life-and-death/ SUMMARY: Rybczynski shares how a Globalist mindset has transformed Western Culture from a life-preserving philosophy into a DEPOPULATION philosophy. Rybczynski targets Transhumanist thinking as the prime example. Awaken your thinking to overcome official narratives to see what Elitists have instore for you. –NARRATIVES MANAGE THINKING – WAKE UP! #TransformationPhilosophy
    Introducing – ‘A Matter of Life and Death’
    Introducing – ‘A Matter of Life and Death’ John R. Houk, Blog Editor January 7, 2025 Health Update: I’ve been overcoming a nasty chest cold over the last four days or so. Why do I share this? I’ve …
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  • Trump Overcomes Dem-Liars and WINS!

    SUMMARY: I actually wasn’t sure if I was going to get to gloat when I awakened Wednesday morning after recalling the 2020 Election Coup that occurred in the wee hours of the morning. But – THANK YOU JESUS! Gloating over lying Dems is commencing. …MORE TO READ (including Andrew Stiles cross post: “Three-Peat”)!
    Trump Overcomes Dem-Liars and WINS! https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/trump-overcomes-dem-liars-and-wins SUMMARY: I actually wasn’t sure if I was going to get to gloat when I awakened Wednesday morning after recalling the 2020 Election Coup that occurred in the wee hours of the morning. But – THANK YOU JESUS! Gloating over lying Dems is commencing. …MORE TO READ (including Andrew Stiles cross post: “Three-Peat”)! #MAGAMandate
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  • An Intro to ‘The Systematic Killing of America, Part 1’

    SUMMARY: Pastor Glynn Adams writes a Christian perspective of a bleak spiritual outlook of America’s current moral standing of the once good nation of We The People. The leadership on all levels of government bureaucracy have become so corrupt America’s Founders would likely call for the Upright Americans in Christ to throw off these bonds of inner tyranny. MAKE JESUS GREAT AGAIN & READ ALL!
    #ChristiansAwaken #CorruptedAmerica
    An Intro to ‘The Systematic Killing of America, Part 1’ https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/an-intro-to-the-systematic-killing SUMMARY: Pastor Glynn Adams writes a Christian perspective of a bleak spiritual outlook of America’s current moral standing of the once good nation of We The People. The leadership on all levels of government bureaucracy have become so corrupt America’s Founders would likely call for the Upright Americans in Christ to throw off these bonds of inner tyranny. MAKE JESUS GREAT AGAIN & READ ALL! #ChristiansAwaken #CorruptedAmerica
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  • VIDEOS: Pull Back The Curtain – Know Who Pulls The Levers

    SUMMARY: There is a Tyranny being exposed daily if only the masses awaken and draw back the curtain to see who is pulling the levers of power. The more people who know are the people that will be difficult to control. SO, at the very least resist bad laws and ungodly diktats. Resistance begins by not complying whenever possible. LOOK AT videos that hopefully inspire an awakening from WOKE Newspeak despotism!
    VIDEOS: Pull Back The Curtain – Know Who Pulls The Levers https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/videos-pull-back-the-curtain-know SUMMARY: There is a Tyranny being exposed daily if only the masses awaken and draw back the curtain to see who is pulling the levers of power. The more people who know are the people that will be difficult to control. SO, at the very least resist bad laws and ungodly diktats. Resistance begins by not complying whenever possible. LOOK AT videos that hopefully inspire an awakening from WOKE Newspeak despotism! #PullBackTheCurtain
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  • The Shadow & Slumber of Tyranny – AWAKEN!

    SUMMARY: There is a tyranny in the lives of Americans (and the once-upon-a-time Free West) that has enveloped our lives like a slow moving dark shadow. So slow, many have slept through the erasure of Liberty nearly unnoticed. AND SOME of us have awakened. Once again I have acquired or visited a slew amount of videos that I am sharing to remind or awaken to that shadow of tyranny squeezing out Liberty. The subjects vary from Medical, Globalist and Criminal tyranny… TAKE A LOOK!
    #MedicalTyranny #GlobalistTyranny #CriminalTyranny
    The Shadow & Slumber of Tyranny – AWAKEN! https://oneway2day.com/2024/08/30/the-shadow-slumber-of-tyranny-awaken/ SUMMARY: There is a tyranny in the lives of Americans (and the once-upon-a-time Free West) that has enveloped our lives like a slow moving dark shadow. So slow, many have slept through the erasure of Liberty nearly unnoticed. AND SOME of us have awakened. Once again I have acquired or visited a slew amount of videos that I am sharing to remind or awaken to that shadow of tyranny squeezing out Liberty. The subjects vary from Medical, Globalist and Criminal tyranny… TAKE A LOOK! #MedicalTyranny #GlobalistTyranny #CriminalTyranny
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  • VIDEOS – Remember The Tyranny PT 1
    There is a Tyranny to Resist – Jog Your Memory

    SUMMARY: As the loyal readers are aware, I accrue numerous videos I’ve downloaded or saved from various Social and Video Platforms due to personal interest or fascination. I may not agree with everything said in the videos but probably agree with most of the content. This is where you employ some of your own critical thinking. …RESIST TYRANNY – TAKE A LOOK!
    #ResistTyranny #AwakenLiberty
    VIDEOS – Remember The Tyranny PT 1 There is a Tyranny to Resist – Jog Your Memory https://tinyurl.com/2s4bxbna SUMMARY: As the loyal readers are aware, I accrue numerous videos I’ve downloaded or saved from various Social and Video Platforms due to personal interest or fascination. I may not agree with everything said in the videos but probably agree with most of the content. This is where you employ some of your own critical thinking. …RESIST TYRANNY – TAKE A LOOK! #ResistTyranny #AwakenLiberty
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7421 Views
  • There is a Tyranny to Reject!
    Either by a Overwhelming Voter Turnout OR Arising to Overcome Another Election Coup

    SUMMARY: I believe this info herein hopefully awakens readers to the probability of a Dem-Marxist election victory in November 2024 (by fair elections or the same old coup-theft elections) which will mean EVEN MORE tyrannical restrictions for Patriots and Christians dissenting from the tentacles of a Transformed America. –READ, AWAKEN, VOTE and/or RESIST TYRANNY!
    #ResistTyranny #DemMarxistTyranny #GlobalistNarrative

    There is a Tyranny to Reject! Either by a Overwhelming Voter Turnout OR Arising to Overcome Another Election Coup https://tinyurl.com/yc2f3pn5 SUMMARY: I believe this info herein hopefully awakens readers to the probability of a Dem-Marxist election victory in November 2024 (by fair elections or the same old coup-theft elections) which will mean EVEN MORE tyrannical restrictions for Patriots and Christians dissenting from the tentacles of a Transformed America. –READ, AWAKEN, VOTE and/or RESIST TYRANNY! #ResistTyranny #DemMarxistTyranny #GlobalistNarrative
    0 Comments 0 Shares 9682 Views
  • AI Can or Will Lead to Dystopian Future

    SUMMARY: I realize that I have been drawn to concerns of the increasing preponderance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the socio-cultural aspects of our lives… In regard to my AI concerns, 2 posts should awaken some mutual concerns: (1) Lab-grown brain tissue to power AI. (2) Transhumanist promoter Schwab speaking in Communist China about FORCING the masses to “Collaborate” with the WEF 4th Industrial Revolution. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #AIDystopia #TranshumanistFuture
    AI Can or Will Lead to Dystopian Future https://tinyurl.com/3dwmpm22 SUMMARY: I realize that I have been drawn to concerns of the increasing preponderance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the socio-cultural aspects of our lives… In regard to my AI concerns, 2 posts should awaken some mutual concerns: (1) Lab-grown brain tissue to power AI. (2) Transhumanist promoter Schwab speaking in Communist China about FORCING the masses to “Collaborate” with the WEF 4th Industrial Revolution. –TAKE A LOOK! #AIDystopia #TranshumanistFuture
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6871 Views
  • A Woke Jesus?
    Taking a Look at JP Commentary & Babylon Bee Original

    SUMMARY: The subject today is a parody about a Woke Jesus. The parody was put on by none other than the Babylon Bee. However, I became aware of the video short via a Rumble subscription to Awaken With JP who did some humorous commentary to the original Babylon Bee parody… TAKE A LOOK: https://slantedright2.blogspot.com/2024/05/a-woke-jesus.html
    #WokeJesus #WokeChristianity #ResistTransformation
    A Woke Jesus? Taking a Look at JP Commentary & Babylon Bee Original SUMMARY: The subject today is a parody about a Woke Jesus. The parody was put on by none other than the Babylon Bee. However, I became aware of the video short via a Rumble subscription to Awaken With JP who did some humorous commentary to the original Babylon Bee parody… TAKE A LOOK: https://slantedright2.blogspot.com/2024/05/a-woke-jesus.html #WokeJesus #WokeChristianity #ResistTransformation
    A Woke Jesus?
    Taking a Look at JP Commentary & Babylon Bee Original John R. Houk, Blog Editor © May 14, 2024 The subject today is a parody about a...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 9009 Views