  • Two Aspects of Deep State Tyranny Shared

    SUMMARY: While reading my email subscriptions trying to figure out on what to share on my blogs today, I came across two unrelated emails that produced equal interest to my thinking… First up is “COUP D'ÉTAT ACTIVATED: Deep State Preparing Overthrow Of Incoming Trump Administration”… Second up is “Globalists embrace depopulation and automation: A new economic paradigm?” …TAKE A LOOK!
    #DeepStateCoup #DeepStateDepopulation
    Two Aspects of Deep State Tyranny Shared https://slantedright2.blogspot.com/2025/01/two-aspects-of-deep-state-tyranny-shared.html SUMMARY: While reading my email subscriptions trying to figure out on what to share on my blogs today, I came across two unrelated emails that produced equal interest to my thinking… First up is “COUP D'ÉTAT ACTIVATED: Deep State Preparing Overthrow Of Incoming Trump Administration”… Second up is “Globalists embrace depopulation and automation: A new economic paradigm?” …TAKE A LOOK! #DeepStateCoup #DeepStateDepopulation
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  • Introducing – ‘A Matter of Life and Death’

    SUMMARY: Rybczynski shares how a Globalist mindset has transformed Western Culture from a life-preserving philosophy into a DEPOPULATION philosophy. Rybczynski targets Transhumanist thinking as the prime example. Awaken your thinking to overcome official narratives to see what Elitists have instore for you. –NARRATIVES MANAGE THINKING – WAKE UP!
    Introducing – ‘A Matter of Life and Death’ https://oneway2day.com/2025/01/07/introducing-a-matter-of-life-and-death/ SUMMARY: Rybczynski shares how a Globalist mindset has transformed Western Culture from a life-preserving philosophy into a DEPOPULATION philosophy. Rybczynski targets Transhumanist thinking as the prime example. Awaken your thinking to overcome official narratives to see what Elitists have instore for you. –NARRATIVES MANAGE THINKING – WAKE UP! #TransformationPhilosophy
    Introducing – ‘A Matter of Life and Death’
    Introducing – ‘A Matter of Life and Death’ John R. Houk, Blog Editor January 7, 2025 Health Update: I’ve been overcoming a nasty chest cold over the last four days or so. Why do I share this? I’ve …
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  • Deep State – Globalist Tyranny Themed VIDEOS PT 1

    SUMMARY: Whew! I’ve acquired a large amount of videos in this theme. Because of this, I’ll have to break this into two parts. This is Part 1. Remain Alert! Tyranny is always a complacent heartbeat away.

    1st Four VIDEOS:

    • Fedsurrection FBI Rats (Informants) Proven.
    • Mystery Drones Over US Spark Alarm - 50 Came From Ocean.
    • Unelected Head of The EU Ursula Von Der Leyen Publicly Calls For Global Depopulation.
    • Pardoning Fauci Implicates Guilt.

    #TyrannyExists #RemainVigilant
    Deep State – Globalist Tyranny Themed VIDEOS PT 1 https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/deep-state-globalist-tyranny-themed SUMMARY: Whew! I’ve acquired a large amount of videos in this theme. Because of this, I’ll have to break this into two parts. This is Part 1. Remain Alert! Tyranny is always a complacent heartbeat away. 1st Four VIDEOS: • Fedsurrection FBI Rats (Informants) Proven. • Mystery Drones Over US Spark Alarm - 50 Came From Ocean. • Unelected Head of The EU Ursula Von Der Leyen Publicly Calls For Global Depopulation. • Pardoning Fauci Implicates Guilt. …TAKE A LOOK! #TyrannyExists #RemainVigilant
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1980 Views
  • Intro to Mike Adams ‘GHOST WORLD – 2022 – 2032 Chap. 1’

    SUMMARY: I was reading a Natural News post and a pop-up jumped on my page to listen to 8-audio chapters including a 60-page PDF of Mike Adams sharing a dystopic outcome impending upon those who by choice or Mandate force, received an mRNA Jab. … I’m cross posting Chapter 1 including a Chapter 1 Brighteon video. The Adams Dystopic scenario is about the mRNA Jabbed (especially Booster recipients) facing a MASSIVE “Die-Off’ as in depopulation. Which would restructure society. I don’t know if I agree with numbers, but the scenario is fascinating. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #GhostWorld #mRNADepopulation
    Intro to Mike Adams ‘GHOST WORLD – 2022 – 2032 Chap. 1’ https://bit.ly/3X86BNd SUMMARY: I was reading a Natural News post and a pop-up jumped on my page to listen to 8-audio chapters including a 60-page PDF of Mike Adams sharing a dystopic outcome impending upon those who by choice or Mandate force, received an mRNA Jab. … I’m cross posting Chapter 1 including a Chapter 1 Brighteon video. The Adams Dystopic scenario is about the mRNA Jabbed (especially Booster recipients) facing a MASSIVE “Die-Off’ as in depopulation. Which would restructure society. I don’t know if I agree with numbers, but the scenario is fascinating. –TAKE A LOOK! #GhostWorld #mRNADepopulation
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  • Govt & Globalists Care Little for Individual Well-Being

    SUMMARY: The Government (USA & One-Time Free Western-style governments) LIES and imposed tyranny continue to emerge. Do you hear or read them on primary news outlets? The answer is “DOUBTFUL!” … Climate-Decarbonization-Depopulation & Nurse Medical Exodus explored. –TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3tpxzTO
    #GlobalistDepopulation #NursesStopWorking
    Govt & Globalists Care Little for Individual Well-Being SUMMARY: The Government (USA & One-Time Free Western-style governments) LIES and imposed tyranny continue to emerge. Do you hear or read them on primary news outlets? The answer is “DOUBTFUL!” … Climate-Decarbonization-Depopulation & Nurse Medical Exodus explored. –TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3tpxzTO #GlobalistDepopulation #NursesStopWorking
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  • Educate Yourself on Globalist/Medical Tyranny

    SUMMARY: I’m embarking on posting some videos I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel and an All News Pipeline post, a Greg Reese video on Kill Shot Nobel Prize winners, A Vigilant News post on Pfizer’s ‘Bait and Switch’, A People’s Voice video on John Kerry’s daughter advocating the depopulation of billions and ending with an Activist Post primer on Fascism. –WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/45f9fkp
    #GlobalistTyranny #MedicalTyranny
    Educate Yourself on Globalist/Medical Tyranny SUMMARY: I’m embarking on posting some videos I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel and an All News Pipeline post, a Greg Reese video on Kill Shot Nobel Prize winners, A Vigilant News post on Pfizer’s ‘Bait and Switch’, A People’s Voice video on John Kerry’s daughter advocating the depopulation of billions and ending with an Activist Post primer on Fascism. –WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/45f9fkp #GlobalistTyranny #MedicalTyranny
    0 Comments 0 Shares 15508 Views
  • DO NOT Submit to a Great Reset Transformation

    SUMMARY: I’m about to share an AMG post on the Great Reset. If you are an unbrainwashed Conservative, you probably are aware of the info in this post. NONETHELESS the post a great summary of the World Economic Forum (WEF) agenda to transform World-Wide society of the majority (who survive DEPOPULATION) into the economic slaves for the Transhumanist-Globalist-Wealthy-Leftist few. TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3sJFkU4
    DO NOT Submit to a Great Reset Transformation SUMMARY: I’m about to share an AMG post on the Great Reset. If you are an unbrainwashed Conservative, you probably are aware of the info in this post. NONETHELESS the post a great summary of the World Economic Forum (WEF) agenda to transform World-Wide society of the majority (who survive DEPOPULATION) into the economic slaves for the Transhumanist-Globalist-Wealthy-Leftist few. TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3sJFkU4 #ResistGreatReset
    0 Comments 0 Shares 13752 Views
  • SO, You Think Climate Change is About Saving the Planet?
    NOPE, Climate Change is Merely the Depopulation Tool for Easier Elitist Control!

    SUMMARY: … Western governments including the USA where I am a citizen are crooked and corrupt and in my opinion are pulled around by the puppet strings of Elitists who are very wealthy and have an odd political combination that would have been unthinkable even a decade ago yet certainly existed in the background even then.

    That odd political-combo is Globalism-Marxism-Fascism-Corporatism all wrapped in the bouquet of Climate Change. AND Climate Change is the lie the Elitist actually care about the planet when they actually only care about controlling the masses who far outnumber the Elitist minority. …MORE TO READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3qCYyde
    #DoNotBeElitistTool #DepopulationAgenda
    SO, You Think Climate Change is About Saving the Planet? NOPE, Climate Change is Merely the Depopulation Tool for Easier Elitist Control! SUMMARY: … Western governments including the USA where I am a citizen are crooked and corrupt and in my opinion are pulled around by the puppet strings of Elitists who are very wealthy and have an odd political combination that would have been unthinkable even a decade ago yet certainly existed in the background even then. That odd political-combo is Globalism-Marxism-Fascism-Corporatism all wrapped in the bouquet of Climate Change. AND Climate Change is the lie the Elitist actually care about the planet when they actually only care about controlling the masses who far outnumber the Elitist minority. …MORE TO READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3qCYyde #DoNotBeElitistTool #DepopulationAgenda
    0 Comments 0 Shares 13702 Views
  • Depopulation of Perceived Useless Humans
    The Govt. That’s Supposed to Protect YOU Cares ONLY for Globalist-Elitists

    SUMMARY: … The U.S. Government and most of the one-time Free West governments are under the corrupt domination of Elitists committed to a global cultural transformation which would lead to a One-World Government in which the Elitists get to decide who …

    2-Videos of Dr. Malone discussing CIA manufacturing COVID crisis & mRNA Depopulation. THEN Mike Adams Substack post on the end of humanity. LAST: Link to Free D4CE 204 page PDF: “mRNA Vaccine Toxicity”. –WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/3OiCkoI
    #Depopulation #UselessHumans
    Depopulation of Perceived Useless Humans The Govt. That’s Supposed to Protect YOU Cares ONLY for Globalist-Elitists SUMMARY: … The U.S. Government and most of the one-time Free West governments are under the corrupt domination of Elitists committed to a global cultural transformation which would lead to a One-World Government in which the Elitists get to decide who … 2-Videos of Dr. Malone discussing CIA manufacturing COVID crisis & mRNA Depopulation. THEN Mike Adams Substack post on the end of humanity. LAST: Link to Free D4CE 204 page PDF: “mRNA Vaccine Toxicity”. –WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/3OiCkoI #Depopulation #UselessHumans
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  • Are You-We-I on the Government Enemy List?

    SUMMARY: If you are a proponent of individual Liberty in America you are a Patriot. If you are a Patriot in America you are probably on your government’s enemy list… If you are cognizant that the mRNA Jab is causing more harm than good and openly share this documented fact, you are probably on an enemy list…. MORE TO WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/43j9OJs
    #GovtEnemyList #PersecutingPatriots #mRNAdepopulation
    Are You-We-I on the Government Enemy List? SUMMARY: If you are a proponent of individual Liberty in America you are a Patriot. If you are a Patriot in America you are probably on your government’s enemy list… If you are cognizant that the mRNA Jab is causing more harm than good and openly share this documented fact, you are probably on an enemy list…. MORE TO WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/43j9OJs #GovtEnemyList #PersecutingPatriots #mRNAdepopulation
    Are You-We-I on the Government Enemy List?
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor © May 24, 2023   If you are a proponent of individual Liberty in America you are a Patriot. If you are a Pat...
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