So interesting that in this case the information was delivered to me on a Sunday night, less than 24 hours after I suggested during a major speech that the Federal Government ASSUME CONTROL of a filthy, unsanitary, neglected, and crime-ridden Washington, D.C. where murder and violent crime are rampant and people no longer want to go to our Nation's Capital... and yet, that is where Biden's DOJ actually wants my trial to take place, all because they think, especially after my strong words of a Federal takeover at the speech, a D.C. jury will do whatever they want. VERY UNFAIR!
So interesting that in this case the information was delivered to me on a Sunday night, less than 24 hours after I suggested during a major speech that the Federal Government ASSUME CONTROL of a filthy, unsanitary, neglected, and crime-ridden Washington, D.C. where murder and violent crime are rampant and people no longer want to go to our Nation's Capital... and yet, that is where Biden's DOJ actually wants my trial to take place, all because they think, especially after my strong words of a Federal takeover at the speech, a D.C. jury will do whatever they want. VERY UNFAIR!
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