AT LEAST Do Not Comply on an Individual Basis
The Constitution is too Shredded to Rely on Rule of Law Relief
SUMMARY: This is going to be a more sharing day than a commentary day. Of course what chaps my hide is the increasingly glaring tyranny that is a mixture of Marxism-Globalism-Fascism-Corporatism that has been infecting the once Land of the Free and Home of the Brave for decades. … MORE TO READ & WATCH:
The Constitution is too Shredded to Rely on Rule of Law Relief
SUMMARY: This is going to be a more sharing day than a commentary day. Of course what chaps my hide is the increasingly glaring tyranny that is a mixture of Marxism-Globalism-Fascism-Corporatism that has been infecting the once Land of the Free and Home of the Brave for decades. … MORE TO READ & WATCH:
AT LEAST Do Not Comply on an Individual Basis
The Constitution is too Shredded to Rely on Rule of Law Relief
SUMMARY: This is going to be a more sharing day than a commentary day. Of course what chaps my hide is the increasingly glaring tyranny that is a mixture of Marxism-Globalism-Fascism-Corporatism that has been infecting the once Land of the Free and Home of the Brave for decades. … MORE TO READ & WATCH: