Lest YOU Are Brainwashed to be Happy in an Age of Transformation Tyranny:
Videos & Commentary to Refresh YOUR Memory to at Least Awaken Personal Resistance!

SUMMARY: An examination of saved videos and in that process, MORE discovered videos that I pray lights a spark of resistance rather than an ALL-IS-LOST defeatist submission. … Whatever your reaction, at least do something on an individual basis. …WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/4ctskUN
#AgeOfTyranny #ResistTyranny
Lest YOU Are Brainwashed to be Happy in an Age of Transformation Tyranny: Videos & Commentary to Refresh YOUR Memory to at Least Awaken Personal Resistance! SUMMARY: An examination of saved videos and in that process, MORE discovered videos that I pray lights a spark of resistance rather than an ALL-IS-LOST defeatist submission. … Whatever your reaction, at least do something on an individual basis. …WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/4ctskUN #AgeOfTyranny #ResistTyranny
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