EMERGENCY BROADCAST: UN Pushes NEW Lockdowns to Counter Swine Flu, Chinese “Mystery Pneumonia” — 11/27/23
As Alex Jones warned in August, the global depopulationists are unleashing a new ‘plandemic’ to scare the public into submitting to a global UN treaty that controls all bodies on earth!

We are in the middle of a psychotic tyrannical power-grab the world has NEVER seen! Watching & sharing the analysis on this broadcast is VITAL for a pro-human future! Tune in!
https://rumble.com/v3yafw7-the-alex-jones-show-monday-full-show-112723.html EMERGENCY BROADCAST: UN Pushes NEW Lockdowns to Counter Swine Flu, Chinese “Mystery Pneumonia” — 11/27/23 As Alex Jones warned in August, the global depopulationists are unleashing a new ‘plandemic’ to scare the public into submitting to a global UN treaty that controls all bodies on earth! We are in the middle of a psychotic tyrannical power-grab the world has NEVER seen! Watching & sharing the analysis on this broadcast is VITAL for a pro-human future! Tune in!
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