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  • https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=64667438a9ffe2a55ab1761e
    Anti WEF Lumberjack Breaks The Internet In Epic Video
    https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=64667438a9ffe2a55ab1761e Anti WEF Lumberjack Breaks The Internet In Epic Video
    0 Comments 0 Shares 953 Views
  • https://u-s-news.com/news-headlines-fbi-shut-down-four-criminal-investigations-into-the-clintons-months-prior-to-the-2016-election-one-america-news-network/
    FBI shut down four criminal investigations into the Clintons months prior to the 2016 election.
    NEWS HEADLINES: FBI shut down four criminal investigations into the Clintons months prior to the 2016 election – One America News Network
    Website 👉 https://u-s-news.com/ Telegram 👉 https://t.me/usnewscom_channel US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton makes a concession speech after b
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  • Under Stakeholder Rulership
    The MANY will Serve the Interests of The FEW

    SUMMARY: I pray Americans that care about their Liberty and the Republic our Founding Fathers (and trust me, our Founders had vast ideological differences yet managed a consensus resulting in the U.S. Constitution) comprehend the vast corruption existing in the U.S. government largely under the current power structure of Democratic Party dominated by Globalist-Fascist-Marxism (hence Dem-Marxist Party), is CRIMINAL. In America the Dem-Marxist power structure exists to fuse the USA into a Globalist Collective. HENCE a transformation toward a One-World Government (OWG).

    My fellow Americans, we have enemies within and without to contend with for our sovereign survival. Just as our Founders – who did not see things eye to eye – realized the only solution to foreign domination was a united resistance. …DEFEND LIBERTY – READ ALL: https://bit.ly/3WoH2oA
    #DefendLiberty #ResistStakeholders
    Under Stakeholder Rulership The MANY will Serve the Interests of The FEW SUMMARY: I pray Americans that care about their Liberty and the Republic our Founding Fathers (and trust me, our Founders had vast ideological differences yet managed a consensus resulting in the U.S. Constitution) comprehend the vast corruption existing in the U.S. government largely under the current power structure of Democratic Party dominated by Globalist-Fascist-Marxism (hence Dem-Marxist Party), is CRIMINAL. In America the Dem-Marxist power structure exists to fuse the USA into a Globalist Collective. HENCE a transformation toward a One-World Government (OWG). … My fellow Americans, we have enemies within and without to contend with for our sovereign survival. Just as our Founders – who did not see things eye to eye – realized the only solution to foreign domination was a united resistance. …DEFEND LIBERTY – READ ALL: https://bit.ly/3WoH2oA #DefendLiberty #ResistStakeholders
    Under Stakeholder Rulership
    The MANY will Serve the Interests of The FEW By John R. Houk, Blog Editor © May 21, 2023   I pray Americans that care about their Li...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6410 Views
  • ONLY We The People can Force a RECKONING for Biden Family Crimes

    [Blog Editor: The version of this post on my SlantRight 2.0 blog was instantly slapped with a misleading warning: “This post was put behind a warning for readers because it contains sensitive content as outlined in Blogger’s Community Guidelines.” I assure the readers, the ONLY thing sensitive in this post are documented Biden Family Crimes that Big Tech Censors DO NOT want the public to know about. Time will tell if WordPress is on board with protecting the installed Biden Tyranny.]

    SUMMARY: The Rumble Channel galacticstorm has posted Blaze TV’s first episode of Glenn Beck’s expose of Biden Family crimes in The Reckoning. … To galacticstorm’s credit it post’s The Blaze links, Blaze TV links and MOST importantly a link to Blaze Media to request the PDF of documented Biden Family crimes… WATCH & READ – DEFEAT CENSORSHIP: https://oneway2day.com/2023/05/22/only-we-the-people-can-force-a-reckoning-for-biden-family-crimes/
    #TheReckoning #GlennBeck #BidenCrimeFamily
    ONLY We The People can Force a RECKONING for Biden Family Crimes [Blog Editor: The version of this post on my SlantRight 2.0 blog was instantly slapped with a misleading warning: “This post was put behind a warning for readers because it contains sensitive content as outlined in Blogger’s Community Guidelines.” I assure the readers, the ONLY thing sensitive in this post are documented Biden Family Crimes that Big Tech Censors DO NOT want the public to know about. Time will tell if WordPress is on board with protecting the installed Biden Tyranny.] SUMMARY: The Rumble Channel galacticstorm has posted Blaze TV’s first episode of Glenn Beck’s expose of Biden Family crimes in The Reckoning. … To galacticstorm’s credit it post’s The Blaze links, Blaze TV links and MOST importantly a link to Blaze Media to request the PDF of documented Biden Family crimes… WATCH & READ – DEFEAT CENSORSHIP: https://oneway2day.com/2023/05/22/only-we-the-people-can-force-a-reckoning-for-biden-family-crimes/ #TheReckoning #GlennBeck #BidenCrimeFamily
    0 Comments 0 Shares 12461 Views
  • Are You-We-I on the Government Enemy List?

    SUMMARY: If you are a proponent of individual Liberty in America you are a Patriot. If you are a Patriot in America you are probably on your government’s enemy list… If you are cognizant that the mRNA Jab is causing more harm than good and openly share this documented fact, you are probably on an enemy list…. MORE TO WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/43j9OJs
    #GovtEnemyList #PersecutingPatriots #mRNAdepopulation
    Are You-We-I on the Government Enemy List? SUMMARY: If you are a proponent of individual Liberty in America you are a Patriot. If you are a Patriot in America you are probably on your government’s enemy list… If you are cognizant that the mRNA Jab is causing more harm than good and openly share this documented fact, you are probably on an enemy list…. MORE TO WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/43j9OJs #GovtEnemyList #PersecutingPatriots #mRNAdepopulation
    Are You-We-I on the Government Enemy List?
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor © May 24, 2023   If you are a proponent of individual Liberty in America you are a Patriot. If you are a Pat...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 15729 Views