  • INFO Inconvenient to Elitist Narrative

    SUMMARY: Globalist Elitists (that would be Dem-Marxists here in America) have used Medical Tyranny as one tool to impose their ONE-World agenda to control the MANY for the benefit of the FEW. This post examines Anti-Tyranny facts that proponents of an Elitist Narrative will find inconvenient…TAKE A LOOK!
    INFO Inconvenient to Elitist Narrative https://tinyurl.com/5f63ff2p SUMMARY: Globalist Elitists (that would be Dem-Marxists here in America) have used Medical Tyranny as one tool to impose their ONE-World agenda to control the MANY for the benefit of the FEW. This post examines Anti-Tyranny facts that proponents of an Elitist Narrative will find inconvenient…TAKE A LOOK! #InconvenientToElitistNarrative
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3976 Views
  • Happy Coffee – Happy Life

    SUMMARY: I’m taking a moment to step away from being an enemy of installed Biden’s state… I encourage you to give our HAPPY COFFEE and aligning synergistic supplements a whirl. If you find them as beneficial as we do, I pray you become repeat customers HERE. You can even connect with Diana through her website… TAKE A LOOK!
    Happy Coffee – Happy Life https://slantedright2.blogspot.com/2024/06/happy-coffee-happy-life.html SUMMARY: I’m taking a moment to step away from being an enemy of installed Biden’s state… I encourage you to give our HAPPY COFFEE and aligning synergistic supplements a whirl. If you find them as beneficial as we do, I pray you become repeat customers HERE. You can even connect with Diana through her website… TAKE A LOOK! #HappyCoffee
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5310 Views
  • KNOW What YOU Are Resisting

    SUMMARY: Today, I return to be a voice calling for a resistance (PEACEFUL until attacked with violent persecution) against seemingly ever increasing Dem-Marxist and entrenched government BUREAUCRATIC TYRANNY (some say “Deep State” or “4th Branch”). FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: Greg Reese on Political Prison Camps, AND Magazine on Corrupt (Treasonous) U.S. Intel Community, & DR RIMA LAIBOW on Exiting UN. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #PoliticalPrisonCamps #IntelCommunityTreason #ExitUN
    KNOW What YOU Are Resisting https://tinyurl.com/ytc9jbpz SUMMARY: Today, I return to be a voice calling for a resistance (PEACEFUL until attacked with violent persecution) against seemingly ever increasing Dem-Marxist and entrenched government BUREAUCRATIC TYRANNY (some say “Deep State” or “4th Branch”). FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: Greg Reese on Political Prison Camps, AND Magazine on Corrupt (Treasonous) U.S. Intel Community, & DR RIMA LAIBOW on Exiting UN. –TAKE A LOOK! #PoliticalPrisonCamps #IntelCommunityTreason #ExitUN
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6998 Views
  • Debate Removes Doubt Biden an Installed Puppet

    SUMMARY: I did not watch the Trump-Biden Debate on Thursday (6/27/24) at CNN (aka Communist News Network or CIA-Controlled Network) because I was convinced it would be rigged. So, I decided to read about it the next day. All indications are Biden was too overtaken in his dementia for whatever mind-enhancing cocktail to work… I’m sharing 2 perspectives followed by a UGETube upload of the CNN moderated debate. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #BidenDementia #ResistTheCoup
    Debate Removes Doubt Biden an Installed Puppet https://tinyurl.com/yzct683r SUMMARY: I did not watch the Trump-Biden Debate on Thursday (6/27/24) at CNN (aka Communist News Network or CIA-Controlled Network) because I was convinced it would be rigged. So, I decided to read about it the next day. All indications are Biden was too overtaken in his dementia for whatever mind-enhancing cocktail to work… I’m sharing 2 perspectives followed by a UGETube upload of the CNN moderated debate. –TAKE A LOOK! #BidenDementia #ResistTheCoup
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5725 Views
  • AI Learning & Global Interconnectedness:
    The Danger of AI Self Awareness and the Perception of Human Uselessness

    SUMMARY: Has anyone noticed the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) being pushed as a good thing across the entire Left-to-Right stratosphere as an aid for we mere humans to search for information? I expected this push from 1-World Leftist Globalists, but I have noticed the same push from outlets which are considered Conservative as well… The science fiction component: Could there develop a WOKE Sentient AI vs a Conservative Sentient AI? … Read and watch the info with your critical thinking!
    #BewareAISelfAwareness #HumanExistence
    AI Learning & Global Interconnectedness: The Danger of AI Self Awareness and the Perception of Human Uselessness https://tinyurl.com/yxka55ss SUMMARY: Has anyone noticed the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) being pushed as a good thing across the entire Left-to-Right stratosphere as an aid for we mere humans to search for information? I expected this push from 1-World Leftist Globalists, but I have noticed the same push from outlets which are considered Conservative as well… The science fiction component: Could there develop a WOKE Sentient AI vs a Conservative Sentient AI? … Read and watch the info with your critical thinking! #BewareAISelfAwareness #HumanExistence
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5628 Views
  • Another AI Tyranny Look

    SUMMARY: I recently posted “AI Learning & Global Interconnectedness: The Danger of AI Self Awareness and the Perception of Human Uselessness”. I’m pleased to see that others have concerns about an AI tyranny. Leo Hohmann has posted on Klaus Schwab promoting an AI dictatorship/World Government. I’m sharing Hohmann’s post…. TAKE A LOOK:
    #AITyranny #ForcedNWODictatorship #AItoRule
    Another AI Tyranny Look https://tinyurl.com/z34mn89a SUMMARY: I recently posted “AI Learning & Global Interconnectedness: The Danger of AI Self Awareness and the Perception of Human Uselessness”. I’m pleased to see that others have concerns about an AI tyranny. Leo Hohmann has posted on Klaus Schwab promoting an AI dictatorship/World Government. I’m sharing Hohmann’s post…. TAKE A LOOK: #AITyranny #ForcedNWODictatorship #AItoRule
    0 Comments 0 Shares 8572 Views
  • SCOTUS Presidential Immunity: Leftist Lies vs Actual Application

    SUMMARY: Frankly, I have not been too pleased with SCOTUS rulings recently then their most recent rulings appear to spark some hope the Conservative majority might be coming to their senses… SCOTUS certifies official acts of the POTUS are protected by Presidential Immunity. OF COURSE Dem-Marxists & propagandists distort/LIE about SCOTUS ruling…LOOK AT THE FACTS!
    #DemMarxistFearmongering #PresidentialImmunityFacts
    SCOTUS Presidential Immunity: Leftist Lies vs Actual Application https://tinyurl.com/37yctxsb SUMMARY: Frankly, I have not been too pleased with SCOTUS rulings recently then their most recent rulings appear to spark some hope the Conservative majority might be coming to their senses… SCOTUS certifies official acts of the POTUS are protected by Presidential Immunity. OF COURSE Dem-Marxists & propagandists distort/LIE about SCOTUS ruling…LOOK AT THE FACTS! #DemMarxistFearmongering #PresidentialImmunityFacts
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5213 Views
  • https://rumble.com/v55efnj-the-alex-jones-show-wednesday-full-show-7324.html
    The Alex Jones Show

    Biden To Drop Out Of Race In Weeks! Tune In To Learn Exclusive Intel From Alex Jones — FULL SHOW 7/3/24

    Visit The Other Great Infowars Hosts and Shows:
    Owen Shroyer of War Room: https://rumble.com/c/c-2379882
    Harrison Smith of American Journal: https://rumble.com/c/c-2379892
    Greg Reese Report: https://rumble.com/c/c-2379922
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5047 Views
  • RESIST Tyranny in Whatever Form it Appears (VIDEOS)

    SUMMARY: Well loyal blog READERS, today is another video share day… Some are old yet still relevant and some are relatively new and my sense is very relevant. YOU can decide if that is the case… Enjoy, be dismayed, or disagree. Either way use some critical thinking rather than any Narrative Brainwashing. TAKE A LOOK!
    RESIST Tyranny in Whatever Form it Appears (VIDEOS) https://tinyurl.com/mfk2yacp SUMMARY: Well loyal blog READERS, today is another video share day… Some are old yet still relevant and some are relatively new and my sense is very relevant. YOU can decide if that is the case… Enjoy, be dismayed, or disagree. Either way use some critical thinking rather than any Narrative Brainwashing. TAKE A LOOK! #ResistTyranny
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6265 Views
  • King Pelayo: A Symbol of Resistance and Inspiration for Christian Nationalists

    Contrary to Leftist propaganda, "Christian Nationalism" is NOT White Supremacist ideology. RATHER the proper perspective is re-infusing Biblical Christian Morals and Standards back into one's national consciousness and nation. And this is the case regardless of one's race: Red, Yellow, Black or White - We are ALL precious in God's sight through the Redeeming Blood of the Risen Savior Jesus Christ.
    King Pelayo: A Symbol of Resistance and Inspiration for Christian Nationalists https://news.gab.com/2024/07/king-pelayo-a-symbol-of-resistance-and-inspiration-for-christian-nationalists/ Contrary to Leftist propaganda, "Christian Nationalism" is NOT White Supremacist ideology. RATHER the proper perspective is re-infusing Biblical Christian Morals and Standards back into one's national consciousness and nation. And this is the case regardless of one's race: Red, Yellow, Black or White - We are ALL precious in God's sight through the Redeeming Blood of the Risen Savior Jesus Christ.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4273 Views