  • Now we are up and running again! and we apologize for any problems it may have caused!
    Now we are up and running again! and we apologize for any problems it may have caused!
    5 Comments 0 Shares 4068 Views
  • https://www.israpundit.org/the-myth-of-gazas-innocent-majority/
    As the propaganda from a lying media and Leftist Antisemites villainize the Israel military for punishing Hamas for its Oct. 7, 2023 war crimes, KEEP IN MIND the pseudo-Palestinian so-called civilians are as complicit in murderous terrorism as Hamas. Read some facts from June 4, 2024.
    https://www.israpundit.org/the-myth-of-gazas-innocent-majority/ As the propaganda from a lying media and Leftist Antisemites villainize the Israel military for punishing Hamas for its Oct. 7, 2023 war crimes, KEEP IN MIND the pseudo-Palestinian so-called civilians are as complicit in murderous terrorism as Hamas. Read some facts from June 4, 2024.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3027 Views
  • Videos Looking at Tyranny – Part TWO
    Medical, Globalist & Government

    SUMMARY: This is Part TWO of informative videos of various lengths which I have amassed, typically a perspective on aspects of Tyranny: Medical, Globalist and Government. –TAKE A LOOK!
    Videos Looking at Tyranny – Part TWO Medical, Globalist & Government https://bit.ly/3yY6wl4 SUMMARY: This is Part TWO of informative videos of various lengths which I have amassed, typically a perspective on aspects of Tyranny: Medical, Globalist and Government. –TAKE A LOOK! #ResistTyranny
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5943 Views
  • Dem-Marxist Political Persecution Could be Knocking on YOUR Door

    SUMMARY: President Trump’s political persecution Soviet-style show trials are a symbol of what the Dem-Marxists installed into power… intend for Conservative-Patriots resisting the Fundamental Transformation of America. Steve Bannon is one of many Patriots becoming incarcerated to politically silence RESISTANCE… Tucker Carlson interviews Bannon…TAKE A LOOK!
    Dem-Marxist Political Persecution Could be Knocking on YOUR Door https://bit.ly/3z2TCSU SUMMARY: President Trump’s political persecution Soviet-style show trials are a symbol of what the Dem-Marxists installed into power… intend for Conservative-Patriots resisting the Fundamental Transformation of America. Steve Bannon is one of many Patriots becoming incarcerated to politically silence RESISTANCE… Tucker Carlson interviews Bannon…TAKE A LOOK! #ResistTyranny
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6766 Views
  • Resist the Fundamental Transformation of America

    SUMMARY: By the time I post this, it will be Father’s Day 2024. Anticipating I might be a bit occupied with family on this day, I’m sharing two without much commentary on my part yet I view with interest. Titles:

    o One Ring to Rule Them All: I believe we can all live better lives, entreat our Creator to put off any impending global catastrophe, and please... leave world rule to God

    o Dave Kubal (IFA) Responds to Pride Month

    Resist the Fundamental Transformation of America https://bit.ly/3zcgKhD SUMMARY: By the time I post this, it will be Father’s Day 2024. Anticipating I might be a bit occupied with family on this day, I’m sharing two without much commentary on my part yet I view with interest. Titles: o One Ring to Rule Them All: I believe we can all live better lives, entreat our Creator to put off any impending global catastrophe, and please... leave world rule to God o Dave Kubal (IFA) Responds to Pride Month #ResistCulturalTransformation
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5228 Views
  • Yuval Noah Harari: Christians, KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

    SUMMARY: The focus is on Yuval Noah Harari. AND Harari is a STRONG candidate for a 21st century False Prophet (or at least an antichrist spirit) which the last book of the New Testament warns the Believers in the Risen Savior Jesus Christ. The ThriveTime video is lengthy but worth KNOWING YOUR ENEMY, TAKE A LOOK!
    Yuval Noah Harari: Christians, KNOW YOUR ENEMY! https://bit.ly/45AKRvt SUMMARY: The focus is on Yuval Noah Harari. AND Harari is a STRONG candidate for a 21st century False Prophet (or at least an antichrist spirit) which the last book of the New Testament warns the Believers in the Risen Savior Jesus Christ. The ThriveTime video is lengthy but worth KNOWING YOUR ENEMY, TAKE A LOOK! #FalseProphetHarari
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4007 Views
  • The Taste-Good, Feel-Good, Healthy Coffee Reference

    SUMMARY: Do to the recent overwhelming response my wife of 34 years has received from my mini-ad I include with each post, my HONEY has encouraged me to create a post explaining the healthy benefits backing the COFFEE business she manages to aid our retirement Senior income. –TAKE A LOOK for Coffee or to become an INFLUENCER!
    The Taste-Good, Feel-Good, Healthy Coffee Reference https://slantedright2.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-taste-good-feel-good-healthy-coffee.html SUMMARY: Do to the recent overwhelming response my wife of 34 years has received from my mini-ad I include with each post, my HONEY has encouraged me to create a post explaining the healthy benefits backing the COFFEE business she manages to aid our retirement Senior income. –TAKE A LOOK for Coffee or to become an INFLUENCER!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3220 Views
  • Medical Tyranny – BE VIGILANT!
    Summary: Medical Tyranny is an issue Americans should remain vigilant. COVID/Medical Tyranny in America was the primary culprit to achieve an Election Coup in 2020. There is much brouhaha beginning to appear that another Gain of Function pandemic will appear related to Bird Flu (H5N1) will be unleashed from some lab leak somewhere. –TAKE A LOOK & RESIST!
    Medical Tyranny – BE VIGILANT! https://bit.ly/4bhNAeu Summary: Medical Tyranny is an issue Americans should remain vigilant. COVID/Medical Tyranny in America was the primary culprit to achieve an Election Coup in 2020. There is much brouhaha beginning to appear that another Gain of Function pandemic will appear related to Bird Flu (H5N1) will be unleashed from some lab leak somewhere. –TAKE A LOOK & RESIST! #ResistMedicalTyranny
    0 Comments 0 Shares 9514 Views
  • Dems Great Replacement Exposed & Great Reset Backfire

    SUMMARY: I came across two important posts relating to the agenda of Dem-Marxists and Globalist ONE-Worlders desire to Fundamentally Transform the thinking (meaning BRAINWASHING) of Americans on their Constitutional Liberty… Dem-Marxist agenda to replace Americans with foreign-born immigrants as a voting block PLUS Tucker & Neil Oliver discuss how Great Reset has backfired on WEF Globalist-Elitists…TAKE A LOOK!
    #StopDemsVoterReplacemnt #GreatResetBackfire
    Dems Great Replacement Exposed & Great Reset Backfire https://tinyurl.com/2sdpp2d2 SUMMARY: I came across two important posts relating to the agenda of Dem-Marxists and Globalist ONE-Worlders desire to Fundamentally Transform the thinking (meaning BRAINWASHING) of Americans on their Constitutional Liberty… Dem-Marxist agenda to replace Americans with foreign-born immigrants as a voting block PLUS Tucker & Neil Oliver discuss how Great Reset has backfired on WEF Globalist-Elitists…TAKE A LOOK! #StopDemsVoterReplacemnt #GreatResetBackfire
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6439 Views
  • The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement – The Culture War Is a Fight to Stop It

    This post is a bit of a long read on Based Underground. YET, the post examines the relentless cultural propagandizing of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) down the throats of Americans by Corporatist (can you say, “The New Fascists with a mix of Marxism?”) Elitists and Hollywood. The author – Brandon Smith – explains some Americans are rejecting the propaganda.
    The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement – The Culture War Is a Fight to Stop It https://basedunderground.com/2024/06/22/the-woke-movement-is-actually-corporate-enslavement-the-culture-war-is-a-fight-to-stop-it/ This post is a bit of a long read on Based Underground. YET, the post examines the relentless cultural propagandizing of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) down the throats of Americans by Corporatist (can you say, “The New Fascists with a mix of Marxism?”) Elitists and Hollywood. The author – Brandon Smith – explains some Americans are rejecting the propaganda.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2783 Views