  • An Intro to ‘Everything Just Changed! Have We Sealed the Fate of the Human Race?’

    SUMMARY: TODAY I ran into a Christian blogger who shares my concerns and writes about Artificial Intelligence from a Christian perspective. In her post she shares the transcript of a dialogue between Glenn Beck and AI-futurist Ray Kurzweil. The portion with Kurzweil’s predictions about tech interaction in relation to AI/Transhumanism and humanity hopefully will raise a personal red alert alarm bells about human existence. …MORE TO READ!
    #CautionAI #CautionTranshumanism
    An Intro to ‘Everything Just Changed! Have We Sealed the Fate of the Human Race?’ https://oneway2day.com/2025/02/28/an-intro-to-everything-just-changed-have-we-sealed-the-fate-of-the-human-race/ SUMMARY: TODAY I ran into a Christian blogger who shares my concerns and writes about Artificial Intelligence from a Christian perspective. In her post she shares the transcript of a dialogue between Glenn Beck and AI-futurist Ray Kurzweil. The portion with Kurzweil’s predictions about tech interaction in relation to AI/Transhumanism and humanity hopefully will raise a personal red alert alarm bells about human existence. …MORE TO READ! #CautionAI #CautionTranshumanism
    An Intro to ‘Everything Just Changed! Have We Sealed the Fate of the Human Race?’
    Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor © February 28, 2025 I continue to dive into my concerns into the pervasiveness of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The date 2/25/25 was my last post about AI c…
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  • Intro to Documentary: Unpacking The Lies We've Been Fed

    SUMMARY: Propaganda has shaped the ills in health and politics that have afflicted America from the early 20th century straight through to our present time in the 21st century. … The Documentary’s title is, “Unpacking The Lies We've Been Fed” produced by Ty And Charlene Bollinger. …TAKE A LOOK ON HOW AMERICANS HAVE BEEN MANIPULATED!
    #UnpackingTheLies #ResistPropaganda
    Intro to Documentary: Unpacking The Lies We've Been Fed https://oneway2day.com/2025/02/24/intro-to-documentary-unpacking-the-lies-weve-been-fed/ SUMMARY: Propaganda has shaped the ills in health and politics that have afflicted America from the early 20th century straight through to our present time in the 21st century. … The Documentary’s title is, “Unpacking The Lies We've Been Fed” produced by Ty And Charlene Bollinger. …TAKE A LOOK ON HOW AMERICANS HAVE BEEN MANIPULATED! #UnpackingTheLies #ResistPropaganda
    Intro to Documentary: Unpacking The Lies We’ve Been Fed
    Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor © February 24, 2025 Propaganda has shaped the ills in health and politics that have afflicted America from the early 20th century straight through to our present …
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  • Kash Patel Confirmed as FBI Director
    Survives Dems & RINOs

    SUMMARY: All the Dem Senators voted against him and two RINOs (Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine) with one surprising RINO voting for Patel (Mitch McConnell). The vote was 51 for and 49 against. Could … criminal corruption that Dems and RINOs would rather not see the light of day? Could treason be involved? Hmm..? I pray the new sheriff in town cleans up the Federal OK Corral! –MORE TO READ!
    #NewSheriffInTown #KashPatel
    Kash Patel Confirmed as FBI Director Survives Dems & RINOs https://oneway2day.com/2025/02/21/kash-patel-confirmed-as-fbi-director/ SUMMARY: All the Dem Senators voted against him and two RINOs (Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine) with one surprising RINO voting for Patel (Mitch McConnell). The vote was 51 for and 49 against. Could … criminal corruption that Dems and RINOs would rather not see the light of day? Could treason be involved? Hmm..? I pray the new sheriff in town cleans up the Federal OK Corral! –MORE TO READ! #NewSheriffInTown #KashPatel
    Kash Patel Confirmed as FBI Director
    Survives Dems & RINOs John R. Houk, Blog Editor © February 21, 2025 All the Dem Senators voted against him and two RINOs (Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine) with one surprisin…
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  • HMM…Protesting Exposed Fraud? Are People That Gullible?
    OR Are They Conditioned Dem-Marxist Storm Troopers?

    SUMMARY: It’s no surprise Dem-Marxist politicians are crying and whining about the DOGE finding misspent monies and outright FRAUD in the Federal Government. BECAUSE the Dem-Marxist agenda has been the beneficiary of such decades long criminality. What is surprising to me – and perhaps I should not be surprised – is that there is the emergence of brainwashed protesters protesting the actions of the President Trump/Musk led revelations of MASSIVE FRAUD conducted under the auspices of the Federal Government at the expense of the U.S. Taxpayer. …READ IT ALL!
    #DOGEstopsCORRUPTION #TaxpayersAbused
    HMM…Protesting Exposed Fraud? Are People That Gullible? OR Are They Conditioned Dem-Marxist Storm Troopers? https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/hmmprotesting-exposed-fraud-are-people SUMMARY: It’s no surprise Dem-Marxist politicians are crying and whining about the DOGE finding misspent monies and outright FRAUD in the Federal Government. BECAUSE the Dem-Marxist agenda has been the beneficiary of such decades long criminality. What is surprising to me – and perhaps I should not be surprised – is that there is the emergence of brainwashed protesters protesting the actions of the President Trump/Musk led revelations of MASSIVE FRAUD conducted under the auspices of the Federal Government at the expense of the U.S. Taxpayer. …READ IT ALL! #DOGEstopsCORRUPTION #TaxpayersAbused
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5319 Views
  • An Intro: Understanding Those Conditioned to ‘Accept Tyranny’

    SUMMARY: I just read an interesting post from THE EXPOSÉ entitled, “How conspirators precondition a society to accept tyranny”. … The Dem-Devotee has been wired or preconditioned to accept tyranny as the way society should be managed… Understanding the Dem-Devotee Sap does not mean the enlightened has to put up with such un-American idiocy… The best way to reeducate the Dem-Devotee brainwashed is to remove the Tyrants and the machinations of tyranny from the ability to function… HENCE the DOGE…YOU SHOULD READ IT ALL!
    #BrainwashedToTyranny #DOGEendsTyranny
    An Intro: Understanding Those Conditioned to ‘Accept Tyranny’ https://oneway2day.com/2025/02/17/an-intro-understanding-those-conditioned-to-accept-tyranny/ SUMMARY: I just read an interesting post from THE EXPOSÉ entitled, “How conspirators precondition a society to accept tyranny”. … The Dem-Devotee has been wired or preconditioned to accept tyranny as the way society should be managed… Understanding the Dem-Devotee Sap does not mean the enlightened has to put up with such un-American idiocy… The best way to reeducate the Dem-Devotee brainwashed is to remove the Tyrants and the machinations of tyranny from the ability to function… HENCE the DOGE…YOU SHOULD READ IT ALL! #BrainwashedToTyranny #DOGEendsTyranny
    An Intro: Understanding Those Conditioned to ‘Accept Tyranny’
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor © February 17, 2025 I just read an interesting post from THE EXPOSÉ entitled, “How conspirators precondition a society to accept tyranny”. In America if you are a devotee …
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  • Intro to ‘An Important Conversation: The COVID Dossier’

    SUMMARY: … THE LAST REFUGE (or as the domain name shows – The Conservative Treehouse) ran a post that includes a 51:28-Minute interview conducted by Neil Oliver of the Dossier’s authors Debbie Lerman and Sasha Latypova authors of “The Covid Dossier”. The adds a concrete picture of the Medical Tyranny imposed on citizens of every sovereign nation on planet earth. …TAKE A LOOK AT DOCUMENTED LIES, CONTROL & MANIPULATION!
    Intro to ‘An Important Conversation: The COVID Dossier’ https://oneway2day.com/2025/02/10/intro-to-an-important-conversation-the-covid-dossier/ SUMMARY: … THE LAST REFUGE (or as the domain name shows – The Conservative Treehouse) ran a post that includes a 51:28-Minute interview conducted by Neil Oliver of the Dossier’s authors Debbie Lerman and Sasha Latypova authors of “The Covid Dossier”. The adds a concrete picture of the Medical Tyranny imposed on citizens of every sovereign nation on planet earth. …TAKE A LOOK AT DOCUMENTED LIES, CONTROL & MANIPULATION! #CovidTyrannyDocumented
    Intro to ‘An Important Conversation: The COVID Dossier’
    Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor © February 10, 2025 On 2/5/25 I cross posted the Brownstone Institute’s rendition of “The Covid Dossier” by Debbie Lerman and Sasha Latypova on all three of my bl…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6935 Views
  • Identify YOUR Club:
    Elitist Few, Useful Idiot or Useless Eating Resistance

    SUMMARY: Do you realize Globalists inside and outside the USA have a desire to Transform America into a ONE-WORLD scenario that benefits the whims of the Elitist Few at the expense of the majority Masses? … Perhaps these videos might guide you to which Club YOU belong: Elitist Few, Useful Idiot, Useless Eating Resistance. …TAKE A LOOK!
    #ElitistFew #UsefulIdiots #DespisedResistance
    Identify YOUR Club: Elitist Few, Useful Idiot or Useless Eating Resistance https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/identify-your-club SUMMARY: Do you realize Globalists inside and outside the USA have a desire to Transform America into a ONE-WORLD scenario that benefits the whims of the Elitist Few at the expense of the majority Masses? … Perhaps these videos might guide you to which Club YOU belong: Elitist Few, Useful Idiot, Useless Eating Resistance. …TAKE A LOOK! #ElitistFew #UsefulIdiots #DespisedResistance
    Identify YOUR Club:
    Elitist Few, Useful Idiot or Useless Eating Resistance
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7546 Views
  • ‘Covid Dossier’ Inspired News

    SUMMARY: Because I shared the Brownstone Institute’s “The Covid Dossier”, my sense is two posts I ran into on Telegram are along the same train of thought. Mike Yeadon’s Telegram tackles Vaccine Passports/Digital ID with The Covid Dossier as a launching thought. Telegram Natural News lists reasons that the mRNA Jab should be pulled. …TAKE A LOOK!
    #PullmRNA #DigitalIDTyranny
    ‘Covid Dossier’ Inspired News https://oneway2day.com/2025/02/07/covid-dossier-inspired-news/ SUMMARY: Because I shared the Brownstone Institute’s “The Covid Dossier”, my sense is two posts I ran into on Telegram are along the same train of thought. Mike Yeadon’s Telegram tackles Vaccine Passports/Digital ID with The Covid Dossier as a launching thought. Telegram Natural News lists reasons that the mRNA Jab should be pulled. …TAKE A LOOK! #PullmRNA #DigitalIDTyranny
    ‘Covid Dossier’ Inspired News
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor © February 7, 2025 Because I shared the Brownstone Institute’s “The Covid Dossier” on my three blog sites (HERE, HERE & HERE), my sense is two posts I ran into on Tele…
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  • Intro to ‘The Covid Dossier’ & Gates Fearmongering

    SUMMARY: I found a link to a Brownstone Institute post entitled, “The Covid Dossier”. The post is EXCELLENT but a bit lengthy (complete with references). This is something everyone should take some time to read to fully comprehend the government (and Globalists) used manipulation to execute Medical Tyranny upon a gullible populace… BONUS: Bill Gates Fearmongering on THE VIEW…REMAIN INFORMED TAKE A LOOK!
    Intro to ‘The Covid Dossier’ & Gates Fearmongering https://slantedright2.blogspot.com/2025/02/intro-to-covid-dossier-gates.html SUMMARY: I found a link to a Brownstone Institute post entitled, “The Covid Dossier”. The post is EXCELLENT but a bit lengthy (complete with references). This is something everyone should take some time to read to fully comprehend the government (and Globalists) used manipulation to execute Medical Tyranny upon a gullible populace… BONUS: Bill Gates Fearmongering on THE VIEW…REMAIN INFORMED TAKE A LOOK! #COVIDDossier
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7687 Views
  • THINK RFK JR & Resist Medical Tyranny

    SUMMARY: Today I’m sharing from a random video collection that looks at Medical Tyranny. As of me writing this, Robert F. Kennedy Jr has not been confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). These videos, in my opinion, demonstrate the fear the Dems, RINOs & Globalists if RFK JR is confirmed. I’m not a fan of RFK JR social issues stands, but his Anti-Medical Tyranny positions make him the man for the job. …TAKE A LOOK!
    #ConfirmRFKjr #ResistMedicalTyranny
    THINK RFK JR & Resist Medical Tyranny https://oneway2day.com/2025/02/03/think-rfk-jr-resist-medical-tyranny/ SUMMARY: Today I’m sharing from a random video collection that looks at Medical Tyranny. As of me writing this, Robert F. Kennedy Jr has not been confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). These videos, in my opinion, demonstrate the fear the Dems, RINOs & Globalists if RFK JR is confirmed. I’m not a fan of RFK JR social issues stands, but his Anti-Medical Tyranny positions make him the man for the job. …TAKE A LOOK! #ConfirmRFKjr #ResistMedicalTyranny
    THINK RFK JR & Resist Medical Tyranny
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor © February 3, 2025 Today I’m sharing from a random video collection that looks at Medical Tyranny. As of me writing this, Robert F. Kennedy Jr has not been confirmed as Se…
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