  • Attempting to Circumvent Blogger Censorship

    SUMMARY: I am not surprised Blogger owned by Google CENSORED a Medical Tyranny opinion that counters the still official Government/Globalist Medical Narrative. The censorship notification occurred on 1/6/25. Blogger censored the title, “Remain Stirred to RESIST Medical Tyranny PT 1”. PART ONE & PART TWO can be viewed at CPCR. …TAKE A LOOK!
    Attempting to Circumvent Blogger Censorship https://slantedright2.blogspot.com/2025/01/attempting-to-circumvent-blogger.html SUMMARY: I am not surprised Blogger owned by Google CENSORED a Medical Tyranny opinion that counters the still official Government/Globalist Medical Narrative. The censorship notification occurred on 1/6/25. Blogger censored the title, “Remain Stirred to RESIST Medical Tyranny PT 1”. PART ONE & PART TWO can be viewed at CPCR. …TAKE A LOOK! #CircumventingCensorship
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  • Remain Stirred to RESIST Medical Tyranny PT 1

    SUMMARY: I’m about to share a series of videos that are in the Medical Tyranny genre. As many readers are aware I post on three blogging platforms due to the occasional censorship that is remarkably ongoing. This especially the case when writing or sharing on Medical Tyranny. … AND NOW, sharing the videos which hopefully keep stirring interest in RESISTING Medical Tyranny. ---TAKE A LOOK!
    Remain Stirred to RESIST Medical Tyranny PT 1 https://oneway2day.com/2024/12/31/remain-stirred-to-resist-medical-tyranny-pt-1/ SUMMARY: I’m about to share a series of videos that are in the Medical Tyranny genre. As many readers are aware I post on three blogging platforms due to the occasional censorship that is remarkably ongoing. This especially the case when writing or sharing on Medical Tyranny. … AND NOW, sharing the videos which hopefully keep stirring interest in RESISTING Medical Tyranny. ---TAKE A LOOK! #ResistMedicalTyranny
    Remain Stirred to RESIST Medical Tyranny PT 1
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor © December 31, 2024 I’m about to share a series of videos that are in the Medical Tyranny genre. As many readers are aware I post on three blogging platforms due to the oc…
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  • Blogger Still Has Not Updated Community Guidelines to Represent Trump Victory

    SUMMARY: Unsurprisingly, Blogger (owned by Google) is still censoring SlantRight 2.0 Medical Truth by calling it MIS-DIS-MAL-Information. My 12/2/24 Blogger post was removed under those flawed Community Guidelines which in essence is a denial of MAHA relating to Trump Cabinet Appointments. The READER can read the Blogger-censored post at The Conservative-Patriot Christian Right and/or John’s Newsletter Substack.
    #BloggerCensorship #MAHAReform
    Blogger Still Has Not Updated Community Guidelines to Represent Trump Victory https://slantedright2.blogspot.com/2024/12/blogger-still-has-not-updated-community.html SUMMARY: Unsurprisingly, Blogger (owned by Google) is still censoring SlantRight 2.0 Medical Truth by calling it MIS-DIS-MAL-Information. My 12/2/24 Blogger post was removed under those flawed Community Guidelines which in essence is a denial of MAHA relating to Trump Cabinet Appointments. The READER can read the Blogger-censored post at The Conservative-Patriot Christian Right and/or John’s Newsletter Substack. #BloggerCensorship #MAHAReform
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  • Intro to Durden on Fauci Lies Exposed in Documentary

    SUMMARY: Tyler Durden on ZeroHedge promotes the Documentary “Thank You Dr. Fauci”. The Documentary took Durden down memory lane on how Medical Tyranny lies affected ZeroHedge via the reception of a huge amount of censorship for telling a truth that countered the MEDICAL NARRATIVE… Durden includes a link to the Documentary, but I cross post an Odysee version below the ZeroHedge post. …TAKE A LOOK!
    #FauciLies #COVIDOrigin #FauciDocumentary
    Intro to Durden on Fauci Lies Exposed in Documentary https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/intro-to-durden-on-fauci-lies-exposed SUMMARY: Tyler Durden on ZeroHedge promotes the Documentary “Thank You Dr. Fauci”. The Documentary took Durden down memory lane on how Medical Tyranny lies affected ZeroHedge via the reception of a huge amount of censorship for telling a truth that countered the MEDICAL NARRATIVE… Durden includes a link to the Documentary, but I cross post an Odysee version below the ZeroHedge post. …TAKE A LOOK! #FauciLies #COVIDOrigin #FauciDocumentary
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  • Trump Plan to FIX Censorship Industrial Complex

    SUMMARY: On November 9 I ran into an X/Twitter post by MiddleMaga…m highlighting a video by duly elected President Trump who expressed his itinerary for handling the Censorship Industrial Complex….TAKE A LOOK!
    #CensorshipIndustrialComplex #CensorshipFix
    Trump Plan to FIX Censorship Industrial Complex https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/trump-plan-to-fix-censorship-industrial SUMMARY: On November 9 I ran into an X/Twitter post by MiddleMaga…m highlighting a video by duly elected President Trump who expressed his itinerary for handling the Censorship Industrial Complex….TAKE A LOOK! #CensorshipIndustrialComplex #CensorshipFix
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  • Christians – PAY ATTENTION!
    Your Biblical Values Might Get YOU Censored or Worse – JAILED

    SUMMARY: I came across a CBN News post on Global Censorship that was posted on 9/4/24. CBN News typically only enters controversial (as in labeled Conspiracy Theory by the Left) when the news affects their Christian readers. EVIDENTLY, Censorship has become so prevalent world-wide that CBN News entered into that realm of controversy. TAKE A LOOK!
    #GlobalistCensorship #MinistryOfTruth
    Christians – PAY ATTENTION! Your Biblical Values Might Get YOU Censored or Worse – JAILED https://slantedright2.blogspot.com/2024/09/christians-pay-attention.html SUMMARY: I came across a CBN News post on Global Censorship that was posted on 9/4/24. CBN News typically only enters controversial (as in labeled Conspiracy Theory by the Left) when the news affects their Christian readers. EVIDENTLY, Censorship has become so prevalent world-wide that CBN News entered into that realm of controversy. TAKE A LOOK! #GlobalistCensorship #MinistryOfTruth
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3618 Views
  • MORE on Pavel Durov Arrest in France

    SUMMARY: DUROV’s ARREST IS A SOURCE OF PERSONAL OUTRAGE! The French are trying to paint Durov’s arrest is due to Telegram’s refusal to allow backdoor entrance by police to track child pornographers and terrorists. Telegram has officially claimed such criminals are given the boot when discovered. THE REALITY THEN IS Durov was arrested to force Telegram to be under police censorship control. …MORE FRENCH TYRANNY INFO TO READ!
    #GlobalistDeepState #PavelDurov #CensoringTelegram
    MORE on Pavel Durov Arrest in France https://tinyurl.com/49uf838a SUMMARY: DUROV’s ARREST IS A SOURCE OF PERSONAL OUTRAGE! The French are trying to paint Durov’s arrest is due to Telegram’s refusal to allow backdoor entrance by police to track child pornographers and terrorists. Telegram has officially claimed such criminals are given the boot when discovered. THE REALITY THEN IS Durov was arrested to force Telegram to be under police censorship control. …MORE FRENCH TYRANNY INFO TO READ! #GlobalistDeepState #PavelDurov #CensoringTelegram
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  • Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested By French
    Sounds Like Political Persecution to Me!

    SUMMARY: Pavel Durov is the founder and face of the app Telegram. Durov was arrested in France for nebulous reasons related to Telegram operations… Liberty-minded individuals have called into question the official French legal reasoning, I while suspect Durov’s Telegram is not cooperating with Globalist censorship of Truth is the actual arrest cause. …FOR LIBERTY – TAKE A LOOK!
    #FreePavel #FrenchPersecution #GlobalistTyranny
    Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested By French Sounds Like Political Persecution to Me! https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/telegram-founder-pavel-durov-arrested SUMMARY: Pavel Durov is the founder and face of the app Telegram. Durov was arrested in France for nebulous reasons related to Telegram operations… Liberty-minded individuals have called into question the official French legal reasoning, I while suspect Durov’s Telegram is not cooperating with Globalist censorship of Truth is the actual arrest cause. …FOR LIBERTY – TAKE A LOOK! #FreePavel #FrenchPersecution #GlobalistTyranny
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  • IT’S AMAZING! My Blogger Appeal Leads to SlantRight 2.0 Reinstatement.

    SUMMARY: Hmm… on July 25, I posted my displeasure with Blogger deleting SlantRight 2.0 for being accused of violating WOKE Community Guidelines. … I responded on Mirror Blogs… I discovered in my Email Inbox Blogger responded favorably to a filed appeal AND REINSTATED SlantRight 2.0… I will keep plugging away with my Conservative-Patriot perspective and await if any Platform enters the Censorship/Deplatform Twilight Zone. …MORE TO READ!
    #SlantRight2.0 #WokeBlogger #RareAppealReinstatement
    IT’S AMAZING! My Blogger Appeal Leads to SlantRight 2.0 Reinstatement. https://tinyurl.com/3d2xru4y SUMMARY: Hmm… on July 25, I posted my displeasure with Blogger deleting SlantRight 2.0 for being accused of violating WOKE Community Guidelines. … I responded on Mirror Blogs… I discovered in my Email Inbox Blogger responded favorably to a filed appeal AND REINSTATED SlantRight 2.0… I will keep plugging away with my Conservative-Patriot perspective and await if any Platform enters the Censorship/Deplatform Twilight Zone. …MORE TO READ! #SlantRight2.0 #WokeBlogger #RareAppealReinstatement
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  • Blogger (Google) Terminates SlantRight 2.0
    After 15+ Years, Some Woke Blogger Committee Decided SlantRight 2.0 Violated Blogger Community Standards!

    SUMMARY: I’m actually not too surprised the Blogger despots deleted SlantRight 2.0. … Blogger Community Standards have labelled as Misinformation or Disinformation or Conspiracy Theory – EVEN THOUGH more and more revelations have began to emerge my thoughts are closer to FACTS and the Dem-Marxist and Globalist-Left Narrative is more akin to Propaganda Misinformation and Propaganda Disinformation. … MORE TO READ – STAY INFORMED!
    #BloggerCensorship #BloggingAlternatives
    Blogger (Google) Terminates SlantRight 2.0 After 15+ Years, Some Woke Blogger Committee Decided SlantRight 2.0 Violated Blogger Community Standards! https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/blogger-google-terminates-slantright SUMMARY: I’m actually not too surprised the Blogger despots deleted SlantRight 2.0. … Blogger Community Standards have labelled as Misinformation or Disinformation or Conspiracy Theory – EVEN THOUGH more and more revelations have began to emerge my thoughts are closer to FACTS and the Dem-Marxist and Globalist-Left Narrative is more akin to Propaganda Misinformation and Propaganda Disinformation. … MORE TO READ – STAY INFORMED! #BloggerCensorship #BloggingAlternatives
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