KNOW the Tyranny & DO NOT Comply
SUMMARY: 12+ (mostly short) videos highlighting a tyranny to resist & should provide reason to NOT COMPLY. Enjoy or weep depending on political persuasion.
As you probably could surmise the videos saved are what the Narrative-Dominated people would relegate to the realm of unsubstantiated Conspiracy Theory. NEVERTHELESS, in these days of increasing documentation and Whistleblower revelations, increasingly the once unsubstantiated are not only becoming the plausible but are appearing as fact more than fiction. –WATCH & READ: #KnowTheTyranny #DoNotComply KNOW the Tyranny & DO NOT Comply
SUMMARY: 12+ (mostly short) videos highlighting a tyranny to resist & should provide reason to NOT COMPLY. Enjoy or weep depending on political persuasion.
As you probably could surmise the videos saved are what the Narrative-Dominated people would relegate to the realm of unsubstantiated Conspiracy Theory. NEVERTHELESS, in these days of increasing documentation and Whistleblower revelations, increasingly the once unsubstantiated are not only becoming the plausible but are appearing as fact more than fiction. –WATCH & READ:
#KnowTheTyranny #DoNotComply